Anyone read 50 shades of gray?



  • SweetDee80
    SweetDee80 Posts: 62
    I'm ashamed to admit I read it. Was the 2nd book I've ever tossed into the trash. :indifferent:

    The (boring) sex scenes didn't bother me, but the repetition of phrases, expressions (holy crap!!) and her schizo "inner goddess" references drove me nuts!

    One Amazon reviewer summed it up best:

    "Once upon a time...
    I'm Ana. I'm clumsy and naive. I like books. I dig this guy. He couldn't possibly like me. He's rich. I wonder if he's gay? His eyes are gray. Super gray. Intensely gray. Intense AND gray. Serious and gray. Super gray. Dark and gray. [insert 100+ other ways to say "gray eyes" here]
    I blush. I gasp. He touches me "down there." I gasp again. He gasps. We both gasp. I blush some more. I gasp some more. I refer to my genitals as "down there" a few more times. I blush some more. Sorry, I mean I "flush" some more. I bite my lip. He gasps a lot more. More gasping. More blushing/flushing. More lip biting. Still more gasping.
    The end."


    Haha So accurate. The author is not a very good one and just uses the same phrases over and over again. If one reads this it is definitely not from a literacy perspective.
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I enjoyed the books. I'm on Book's an easy read - def not a literary award winner but entertaining to say the least! :tongue:
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    I've read the series, and I loved it...My husband started reading it and seems to like it...
  • marynmarty
    marynmarty Posts: 89 Member
    I heard it was really good!!! It's been on the View a couple of times with an interview with the author. I heard it's pretty steamy...I'm waiting for my mom to finish with it (which I'm shocked she's reading it) so I can get my hands on it. She said I will like it and so will my husband (if you know what I mean) LOL
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
  • mattmoo33
    mattmoo33 Posts: 36
    just finished the 2nd book - they arent war and peace but for me they are light and entertaining and just what I need for a bit of light relief :blushing: after a stressful day at work

    Oh and hubby is sooooo not complaining!
  • KissMyAx
    KissMyAx Posts: 129 Member
    It's a DANGEROUS read!!! You will find yourself humping the book! :P
  • judith3
    judith3 Posts: 296 Member
    Not the best books in the world ive definetly read better like many said the writing isnt the best i dont mind the sex scenes but so help me god if she says THERE one more freaking time im going to throw something!!! The book is extremely repetitive but it was ok i got the second one mainly because im intrigued with knowing why on earth he is so "50 shades of Fu**ked up"

    on a side note has anyone noticed he wears the same freaking pants she loves so much that hang on his hips "that way" like every other freaking day i mean for a billionaire he should have more clothes
  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    Okay I have heard way too many times now about how bad the writing is..... when one person told me the writing was bad and they liked the Twilight books.... I knew it wasn't for me.

    If you guys like this "type" of book.... Check out the Sleeping Beauty Trilogy written by Anne Rice