Sweetener for my coffee.

penroseg Posts: 53 Member
Every morning I drink 1 to 1.5 cups of coffee. I just can't stand drinking it without some added sweetener. I used to use Splenda, but then I heard horrible things about it, so I switched to Truvia. I only use about 1/3 of the packet per day. Is that the best option? Before you answer, I have to mention that I am on a very low carb diet (the only way weight loss happens for me), so real sugar or honey, etc., is not an option. Any advice? Thanks!!!


  • tmandras
    tmandras Posts: 22 Member
    I stay away from all artificial sweeteners personally & I just use real sugar. I have tried truvia & stevia (in true form) & didnt care for it, other than that honey or agave is the only things I can think of ... unless you can drink it black (yuck! :) )
  • kettrickenx
    kettrickenx Posts: 92 Member
    try stevia:)