Over the past 4 years I have been successful in losing 105lbs off of my tiny 5'1" frame.. I almost where I want to be and need to be but Im struggling mentally and physically.. When I look in the mirror all I see is the old me the one I resent and dislike.. I never believe any compliment I hear and I feel I will never be where Im happy.. I think this is holding me back and I dont know how to get past this any thoughts.. I would post before and after pics but dont know how!


  • Loraine2012
    Loraine2012 Posts: 2 Member
    That is really great! You are on a journey of change. I notice when I see people I haven't seen for a while they look much different. Recently I stopped at a personal care booth at the mall and bought some nail care products. Just doing that made me feel better. Use your imagination to build a new you gradually and be patient with yourself.
  • The inability to see change in one's self is actually quite a common psyche related issue, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, I hope that your view of yourself is not that extreme, do you see and admit the change in your apperance, or do you literally see the old you, if you see the old you, then i would recommend psych help... i dont have BDD but i have an issue where i compare myself to those whose physical apperance Far surpasses mine. My remedy is then to involve myself in activites where my image is not the primary concern... I play football, where everyone is covered up and competes in fitness so that my looks are last on my mind. What type of activities are you involved in other than your dieting and workout style you may want to add or change something so you take your focus off your looks as much and focus on who you've become. good luck i wish the best for you.
  • dmcgregor99
    dmcgregor99 Posts: 4 Member
    I would have to say that I can see a difference but still dont feel how I would expect to feel after losing so much. Just frustrating when it seems as if on an everyday basis someone makes a comment regarding my weight.. Some people comment that I am too skinny (not the case) others think they are paying a compliment by saying things a long the lines of starting to look good or how much more weight do you have to lose.. I have a great support structure of friends and family which helps. but I do constantly find myself in the gym asking myself why cant I look like that or so on and so forth. Thanks for listening to me complain lol!
  • It is very hard to change your mindset, you probably lived for years not being happy with yourself. But you have done an amazing job- and just so you know, those people at the gym are probably looking at you thinking they wish they could look like you. There are very few of us out there who are satisfied with our physical appearances (that's why we are sweating at the gym)
  • dmcgregor99
    dmcgregor99 Posts: 4 Member
    @danihonline - Thank you :) It's people with your positive motivating attitude that I try to surround myself with!
  • WendySue75
    WendySue75 Posts: 98 Member
    Well... just think... there was something(s) in life that caused you to gain all the weight before... and without dealing with those issues, you will struggle... getting physically healthy also requires alot of mental healthiness... and you have come such a long way!!! GREAT FOR YOU!!!
    Jillian Michaels says we need to make a conscious effort to constanlty give ourselves positive feedback... that naturally we all do the negative talk in our minds... so the next time you're looking in that mirror, tell yourself you're awesome, you've come a long way & you're worth it... you're healthier, and taking great care of yourself! Seriously you'll feel weird at 1st, but I have really made an effort to catch myself thinking neg. thoughts toward myself and spin it around with a positive out loud YOU"RE AWESOME!!! And it feels great!
    Another way of looking at it is, that you wouldn't say or think those things of others, so why do you allow it for yourself... talk to yourself the way you'd encourage & cmpliment others!!
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Are you exercising enough? When I'm getting in alot of exercise like now I generally feel great about myself. Endorphins are the best drug in the world and so good for you. Seriously, for me endorphins change the cup from half empty to half full.