I love this website!

Hello Everyone! I'm new to MFP. I have lost weight in the past, but it always seemed to find me back and usually brought a few friends too. I'm needing to lose quite a bit, about 160 pounds, but the difference is that I have a fantastic reason for doing it, my baby girl, and I'm confident that I can do it. I had always lost weight for an occassion, vacation, wedding, etc, but once it was over I went back to my old habits. I was my heaviest during my pregnancy and it made things difficult for both me and my daughter, after that I decided I had to put my big girl panties on and do it no matter how difficult it may be. I also had some minor medical issues that I need to get under control while I still can w/o going on meds. I'm a pretty independent person but like to know I have support from others in the same boat on those more difficult days. :smile: