any one use 5 hour energy?

I am having a lot of trouble sleeping and I was wondering if anyone has tried 5 hour energy? I got up this morning very tired and ate a big breakfast. All ggod stuff, eggs juice, lite english muffin, low fat cheese. Came to about 500 calories and I have been hungry all day. I feel like my body needs something to make it go. Usually I reach for carbs and sugar at this time but I am trying not to do that. Does 5 hour energy work and is it safe to take. I don't want my heart exploding or anything!


  • steffihoney
    steffihoney Posts: 392
    I don't take it often, but occasionally on a long drive. It does not make me jittery and seem to work.

    Maybe try eating a smaller breakfast and something else about 2 hours later. Try smaller portions and less calories. Might help.
  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    It doesn't work for me! I've tried several times to drink the entire thing and felt no difference.
  • jordanlell
    jordanlell Posts: 340 Member
    I don't know that much about 5-hour energy, aside from what I've heard about it tasting really gross, but is it possible that you're dehydrated or lacking in some vitamins? For instance, if you live some place where you don't see a ton of sun, you could be Vitamin D deficient. Most people around here (I live in Oregon) take Vit. D supplements because we don't get enough sun for our bodies to make a ton of it on our own. Could something like that be going on?
  • ImaSongbird
    ImaSongbird Posts: 126 Member
    The breakfast you describe is very high in the type of carbohydrates that quickly convert to sugar (juice, flour). Try substituting more protein and/or slower carbs, like spinach or other veggies for the bread and juice. Protein and vegetables are more sustaining and less likely to leave you with an energy slump afterward.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I only ever had one once and it was at 3:00 am during an overnight charity walk, Relay for Life. I was awake for 26+ hours on adrenalin probably and it was fun + lots of food (despite burning 2000+ cals in that walk {12 hours with the odd break so 10 hours at minimum} I probably ate 1500 back in burgers, midnight pizza and granola bars, lol!) but to answer your question about safety, it has the same amount of caffeine as coffee so you may want that for 1/3 the price or if you are like me you hate the taste of coffee... Anyway, it’s like all energy drinks, tastes like mild cough syrup and just squeaks into FDA guidelines. Be sure you aren't driving so sleep deprived.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I tried it once. It smelled like a port-a-john, tasted like icky medicine and didn't perk me up at all.
  • iambatman41
    I like it, mostly B vitamins. It seems to work for me, Redbull makes me nauseous and jittery. 5 hour works great for me.
  • katheharwood
    katheharwood Posts: 25 Member
    I like it, mostly B vitamins. It seems to work for me, Redbull makes me nauseous and jittery. 5 hour works great for me.

    I agree with iambatman41. I feel no side effects with this and I stay energized after one dose and it lasts longer than 5 hours for me.
  • redmessenger
    redmessenger Posts: 31 Member
    I have never used it, but I agree that you need more protein. I take 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder and blend it with 2 types of orange juice. Taste good and keeps me feeling full. I can give you my recipe if you want it.
  • burg1801
    burg1801 Posts: 124
    I've tried it but I get way too jittery off drinks like that.
  • SkinnieFinnie
    SkinnieFinnie Posts: 145 Member
    LOVE THEM! Swear by them on a low energy days! I buy them by the case... (I don't drink them everyday, but when I need energy I do). They work so good!
  • 11Jayme11
    11Jayme11 Posts: 194 Member
    I drink them alot.. Bad to say but I do. I work 12 hour overnight shifts, and I need it. Other energy drinks make me jittery and sick feeling. This is just enough to get me through the last few hours, and I can go home and go right to ed if need be. Nothing that keeps me awake or anything. Maybe instaed of 5HE, maybe try increasing your vitamin intake? When I started workinf overnights, that was enough to make it through the night, but now I need more. Good Luck!:happy: