Insanity Challenge Beginning Monday :))

Alright guys, so I'm finishing up week 3 of Insanity,
Would anyone like to join me next week, you can start week 1 if you want lol.
It just makes it more motivating with others going at the same time as you :)


  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I am in!
    Starting it Monday. Should I do the fit test before that, or start with that Monday?
  • Kirstyfisk
    Kirstyfisk Posts: 23 Member
    what is insanity? sounds interesting?
  • arielkaylou
    arielkaylou Posts: 85 Member
    I would just start on monday. i never did any of the fit tests. i probably should have but it only takes like 10 minutes or so for the fit test. so you could start that monday morning, and then do the workout monday night if you wanted
  • chrock87
    chrock87 Posts: 6
    I will start Monday as well! I've been putting off starting for like a month now, having others doing it will be very motivating!
  • arielkaylou
    arielkaylou Posts: 85 Member
    Kirsty i sent you an inbox message! :)