? For ppl who work full time



  • Picola1984
    Picola1984 Posts: 1,133
    I don't treat the weekends any different at all. I work 40 hour week, and go to the gym after or before work as often as I can

    If it is my day off, whether weekday or weekend I still go to the gym and eat sensibly.

    The odd time I may go out for food or drink, I'll try to make up for it the next day

    I don't see the weekend as an excuse to binge
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Weekends are actually easier for me! I have lots more time open to workout, so I tend to do long, calorie-killing workouts on Saturday and Sunday and shorter 45-60 minute workouts on weekdays.

    It's much harder for me to do a tough workout when I've worked 9 hours, commuted 1 hour, spent all the time in the morning dressing up and doing my hair and then when I get home I still have to make dinner and do some tidying up.

    If I ever take a rest day, it's a Tuesday or Thursday. :-)
  • hdroddy
    hdroddy Posts: 122
    I try to get my workouts in during the week so that I don't have to do them on the weekends. If I meet my goal for the week I give myself a pass on the weekends. I find that I get better results if I give myself a rest period. And since I am usually pretty active on the weekends with errands, chores, and activities, it works well for me. I do still watch what I eat on the weekends, though, and try to stay in my calories.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    I do a longer than normal workout on Saturdays. Then at night I have my cheat/spike/whateveryouwanttocallit meal. Sundays I spend lots of time cleaning, grocery shopping and cooking for the week. I'm not really a grazer while I cook so that's not an issue for me. But then I do another workout Sunday night.
  • hilarysgiants
    hilarysgiants Posts: 132 Member
    They are hard for me as well. I have a 3.5 yr old and 18 month old. So, I try and spend as much time with them and our normal household chores and try and make/prep meals for the upcoming week!! My hubby and I try and workout on the weekends, but don't always do that and aren't as strict with our diets. We do try and eat healthier and be good examples for our boys, but it is a struggle!! Good luck!
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    I work about 60-70 hours a week with a 3 hour commute to and from so I know what you mean - weekends are a treasure when I get them.

    If my hubby's up for it we do long walks at least one day, if I'm not working. If he demands a day of rest watching TV I do circuits the whole time. It bugs him, but hey, he gets to watch TV and my butt.
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    For me the hard part is remember to drink water on the weekends because I'm not at my desk. So now I load up the car with water bottles on Saturday morning and keep one going at all times!!!!

    ^^This. Saturdays are our cheat days, we have a fam din every saturday, so we just make a day of it! We use this day to go out of town shopping and walk walk walk, so I just use that as my exercise and if I feel the need for more, I just do something at night. Sunday is back to the grind... but I am with you! It's so hard to stay on track on the weekends!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Different question for those who work full time-and have kids, how do you find the time to work out? I am up at 5 am to get ready home a 530p have dinner, homework and kid stuff, just no time to get much in!!
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    Different question for those who work full time-and have kids, how do you find the time to work out? I am up at 5 am to get ready home a 530p have dinner, homework and kid stuff, just no time to get much in!!

    It is not the easiest ..... i have started taking my son to cardio kickboxing and boot camp, he has a love/hate relationship with it but oh well. I also have home workouts that I do after he is asleep or early am before I have to get up and get him up and ready. Weekends are more of a challange because all I want to do is rest from such a long week but with a 4yo that is impossible. So we either go to the pool, park, anything outdoors.
  • hilarysgiants
    hilarysgiants Posts: 132 Member
    My husband and I take turns putting our boys to bed. Our boys watch sesame street, starting at 7pm. That is when one of us goes to workout. Then when we are done, the other person can workout and stay on alert for either of the boys getting up out of bed. They are usually in bed by 7:30 b/c we get them up early to go to babysitters/preschool. That is the only way we could figure out how to get in time to workout! Or, we have bands in our bedroom and do them while watching tv.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Different question for those who work full time-and have kids, how do you find the time to work out? I am up at 5 am to get ready home a 530p have dinner, homework and kid stuff, just no time to get much in!!

    It is not the easiest ..... i have started taking my son to cardio kickboxing and boot camp, he has a love/hate relationship with it but oh well. I also have home workouts that I do after he is asleep or early am before I have to get up and get him up and ready. Weekends are more of a challange because all I want to do is rest from such a long week but with a 4yo that is impossible. So we either go to the pool, park, anything outdoors.

    It's not perfect, but we make it work. I get my son to school by 7:30, and am at work by 8ish, then I'm off anywhere between 4 and 5 and I pick him up, head straight to the gym (they have a great children's activity center at my gym), then we go home, eat dinner, and wash up and get ready for bed. Dinner usually doesn't happen until around 8 or 8:30, but I make sure to prep things ahead of time so it doesn't take but 5-10 minutes to get a meal ready. The only exceptions are if my son has t-ball practice or games in the evenings, I suck it up and go to the gym before work and my extremely kind, gracious boyfriend (not my son's biological dad) takes my son to school. It's tough, but fitness is important to our family so we make it work.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    i extend workout times so that i can have a bit more to eat.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    if you weigh in weekly then weigh in on mondays, then you tend to think abt that weigh in all weekend long =)
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    schedule your weekend or have meals and sancks prepped already. make sure your ice maker is working and drink lots of iced water!!!
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    schedule your weekend or have meals and sancks prepped already. make sure your ice maker is working and drink lots of iced water!!!

    oops.... snacks....
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I so struggle with weekends too (well, week day. I only have one day off a week).

    My solution has been to keep busy and/or moving. If I'm focused on something and not bored I don't think about food as much. But I think scheduling is key. Make sure you plan what you're going to eat. Don't take a break just because you're on your days off!

  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I'm kind of the opposite...I love the weekends! I do my best workouts on a lazy Sat or Sun afternoon. MY issue is the food...even working out I go over on weekends thanks to vino...:drinker:
  • seebeachrun
    seebeachrun Posts: 221 Member
    Pick one day on the weekend to splurge. One day only. Any time during the week that you want something or have a craving, write it down for the splurge day. When splurge day comes eat whatever you want. No I am not kidding. Whatever you want.

    You will find out two things: 1) most of the cravings are forgotten before you actually get to splurge day; and 2) you can't eat everything on splurge day because you get full faster.

    For example, this weekend I have two baby showers on Saturday. Instead of freaking out and counting calories and worrying about what I eat. I am going to eat whatever I want. But Sunday it's back to my regular diet.

    I'm extra bad because I technically have a half splurge day on Tuesdays for the local Taco special at my favorite restaurant. I make up for it by having a very light lunch that day and eating only 3 tacos really slowly instead of woofing down the 5 I really want.

    At work I keep zero calorie raspberry green tea and earl grey tea in my desk for those days that the cravings are really bad. I've found that eating oatmeal for breakfast and packing a blanced lunch with a snack for the afternoon makes it easier to avoid cravings.

    You just have to tell yourself no when it comes to treats in the office, be they candy on a desk or baked goods in the kitchen. For me I try to avoid the treat locations as much as possible but I know that is easier at some offices.
  • Mamaincali
    Mamaincali Posts: 65 Member
    You have a georgeous little boy!
    Make happy times with him that don't revolve around food. Little ones are only small once -- I say make the most of him. I tell my niece who has a four year old daughter the same thing.

    This. I have a 4 year old daughter and I try to get in physical activity as much as possible with her. Go outside and ride bike with her. Go for a walk to the park. Play in the yard with her. Do yard work with her. Go on walks together. She also loves it when I just sit down and play with her. It may not be active but there is no food involved. I also spend more time cooking on weekends and she loves cooking with me so we make healthy meals together. She also loves doing Zumba dvds with me.
  • OceansForever
    OceansForever Posts: 221 Member
    Different question for those who work full time-and have kids, how do you find the time to work out? I am up at 5 am to get ready home a 530p have dinner, homework and kid stuff, just no time to get much in!!

    I get up at 5.30 am do my 40-50 min workout. By the time I am done with my shower, my kid gets up, get her ready and I take her to preschool. Heading to work right after, work 8-9 hrs (no lunch since I show up late), leave at 6 pm, go home and either cook something quick or defrost what I have cooked ahead (do that a LOT), get kid ready to go to bed and then prepare for the morning.

    Hubby does a lot of cleaning up after us and I try to help where I can but since I got the kid to get ready, that works out perfectly.

    It's a lot of planning ahead but that's the only way I can make it work and of course with lots and lots of help of hubby who rather does house work if he knows I can work out.