Looking for both friends who are near their goals and those


I joined MFP on another account a while back but closed it, now I'm back up and running (pardon the pun) on the site and am looking for some friends with similar goals/stats etc (although I don't mind being friends with anyone regardless of goals).

I'm 23, a sports science final year student who has been ill/injured/depressed this last 2 and half years, resulting in about 3.5 stone weight gain (so bad)......I used to be a competitive athlete, fit and healthy, muscular and lean, so this last few years has really taken it's toll on me and I want to try and get back to my old athletic self.

I need to lose about 4 stone (although I'm prob more interested in losing BF% rather than looking at the scales) ... I'm 5 ft 6/7"

Feel free to add me.

For those who have lost similar amounts - do you remember what your first few weeks of starting out felt like? How did you find the fight/will to carry on after that first week, knowing how hard it was and how hard it will be? I was working out today and felt like I would never get anywhere (though I did a good workout, just my mentality wasn't right because I felt like I'm not fit/strong enough to keep at it)

Also - cos I'm a sports science student, I can offer some advice, but I do like to ask for a lot of advice too - even if I kinda already know, I like to learn from people's experiences, rather than purely theory/research studies based - cos at the end of the day - it's people who have been through it and achieved their goals that can add that little bit extra to it all.



  • wolfehound22
    Feel free to add me, I;ve been doing this for over 2 years now. My first week's were tough, motivation was lacking, body was sore, but I just fought through it. I still deal with lack of motivation from time to time, but I always think this is what is best for me. Don't beat yourself up over not being able to do something, just the simple fact you are attempting it makes you better, and knowing that everyday you will improve will keep you going. Also, this is a lifetime change not just a short term thing, so you should be focused on that.
  • AirCircleI
    AirCircleI Posts: 334 Member
    Feel free to add me - my goal was to lose 3 stone - 2 are gone and 1 to go. I think my first few weeks I was sort of in denial - I started doing a bootcamp and although I was exercising and trying to eat well, I was still drinking a few nights a week. I remember getting a peice of paper from the bootcamp to pledge that I wouldn't dirnk and binned it. That was in October. Then I started getting serious because I was going back to visit family for Christmas that I hadn't seen in over a year and I hated how I looked, so I got focused when I worked out that I had relatively little time to lose 15lbs in time for that, which was my first goal. So I kicked it up, exercising more, eating well, getting feedback from my trianer about food, drinking no more than once a week, sometimes once every 2 weeks.

    For me, the key is to set smaller, manageable goals, like "I plan to lose 10lbs by x date (especially helps when something is going to happen, like a holiday or something). That way, I would just focus on that, rather than a long thing ahead of me. After christmas I again stepped it up and did a month long detox and joined this site. And now I just stay focussed on one month at a time.
  • sportsciencegirl
    sportsciencegirl Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you both for your replies! Love to hear other people's coping strategies when you feel like you can't do it.

    AirCirclel - I sat down on Sunday night there past and did the smaller goals thing like you suggest - I said I would lose about 12lbs by the end of March.. hopefully I can get there and then re-evaluate my next short term goals.

    Thanks for the messages, and I'm just going to add you now :)