Is it possible???

I was just wondering if it was possible that I may not be losing any weight because I am gaining muscle? I have been excercising the past few weeks and this entire week I have been exercising at leat 45 minutes to 1hr 15 min per day. However, the scale is NOT BUDGING at all. I feel that this last week I have really been watching what i have been eating more than I did before. I am thinking that maybe I am not losing weight b/c part of my aerobic routine is using weights? I feel like my body is getting more tone and can tell my body is not as flabby as it was is frustrating that the scale still shows the same weight as two weeks ago! Any advice woudl be greatly appreciated.


  • nicolewalker245
    The best way to know is start taking measurements. Neck, waist, hips and watch those. DOnt weigh yourself everyday either...the scale is not your definative success indicator - the proof is in the measurements.

    Yes, you body will convert fat to muscle with weighted/resistance exercise - thus appearing that you are not losing any weight but in fact you have likely lost inches - muscles is more dense than fat.

    Get the tape measure out! Keep up the great work on your workouts!
  • KristieLynn007
    Thank you for your reply! I know that i have lost some inches....b/c i am not as flabby as I was(although I am quite a bit over weight). Even my daughter told me I looked like i lost a little weight, but i just wish the scale would budge. Especially with exercising so much.Thanks again.