If you could trade places with one MFPer for the day...

Trail_Addict Posts: 1,340 Member
If you could trade places with one MFPer for the day... who would it be, and why?


  • jennp1129
    jennp1129 Posts: 277 Member
    Hmm good question... I would probably trade with one of my guy friends so I can check out all the crazy lady love they get on this site. It's crazy how the ladies react to all of the muscles and abs around here.
  • KMSForLife
    KMSForLife Posts: 577 Member
    I would trade places with H_Factor. He's real, he disciplined and he is driven to succeed!
  • sufikitkat
    sufikitkat Posts: 583 Member
    Completely honest...any of my MFP friends that are male and run. And not just run, but run fast and run in interesting places. Such as Arizona Trails :-) I continue to work towards a consistent 7 minute mile range and just want to know what its like all the time, especially to place in age groups!
  • I wouldn't want to trade places, but I wouldn't mind running with a bad *kitten* runner. Speed, speed and more speed. I live in the boring Flatlands of FLorida. Could use some elevation and high altitude and terrain.