New Member going strong with my New Year's goal!

Sadly, I don't have much progress to report, but I'm sticking with my goal to get healthy in 2012! I've been working hard since January, just recently tweaking diet and exercise routines. I think it is finally starting to make a difference. I decided to join MFP for support, motivation, advice, and to find others with similar goals. I want to lose a little over 40 lbs, no matter how long it takes. Last year around this time, I was down 40 lbs with the help of a doctor. Unfortunately, I lost it way too fast and did not learn and develop necessary habits to keep it off, so most of it came back to haunt me. So, here I am again, this time hoping to do it the right way!

My husband and I are finishing up week one of GSP's Rush Fit. I have to modify many of the exercises, but I'm hanging in there and not giving up.

I am a stay at home mother of three. All of my children are now in school during the day, which makes it a little easier to find some time to take care of me.

Currently, I'm working on spring cleaning and organizing our home, a never-ending task, in addition to my daily exercise. I'm also making a serious effort to cook dinner almost every night instead of ordering out or grabbing fast food, a terrible old habit! I will consider this journey a success if I manage to organize and maintain all aspects of my life, emphasizing on healthy meals and consistent exercise!

I welcome any new friends to join me on this journey! Good luck to all of you!


  • wolfehound22
    Feel free to add, I still have roughly 30 pounds to go. Sometimes I feel losing the weight slower is more benificial then a fast weight loss, this gives you time to learn how to eat right, and deal with the daily destraction. If you lose that weight super fast, you may not have built up your self control. I'm currently two years in to my weight loss journey and down 75 pounds, and feel I can handle just about any challenge I may face.