Which categories to watch

lynnsf Posts: 20 Member
I am somewhat overwhelmed by the various nutritional categories. Which do you feel are the most important. Calories is number 1 for me. Is sugar the next or carbs? How about Fat, carbs and Sodium. I confess, I'm often over on sodium and when I eat fruit - I am normally over on sugar.

I am never hitting my goal on everything - some I'm over and some I'm under. I assume if I'm slightly over on fiber or vitamins or protein that is fine.

Which do you watch?


  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    it is very different for everyone. It depends on what your needs and goals are. Calories are the most important for losing (or gaining) weight. To lose you just eat less than your body burns per day.

    You should make sure you get adequate protein. If you have health issues like high blood pressure or diabetes you will want to watch fat, sodium and/or carbs. I don't think I would worry about sugar as that is built into carbs (you pretty much can't have carbs in a food unless there is some sugar but note that carbs are fiber as well).

    if you are unsure of what is best for you maybe you should go have a consultation with a dietician and they can help set you up on a plan.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I'm not an avid watcher of macros and don't pay any attention to the fat, sugar, fibre, carbs etc I eat day to day. However, I know what stuff is good for me and generally I tend to eat fairly clean....low fat, lower sugar and wholegrain every day out of choice so hence I don't worry about anything but cals. I also have bad days and sometimes I have days with higher fat because I know my body needs it but generally the good outweighs the bad. I am also a bit of a carb fiend but it's never done my weight loss any harm. Do what suits you and yes, cals above all! xx