Survival skills - HELP!

School, work, regular everyday tasks, healthy eating, exercise, taking care my pets.
Since I have started back to school I have little time and little money to focus of food. I never have time to go to the grocery store, prepare food, log calories, exercise. I work full time with some overtime and go to school three times a week on top of homework and taking care of my cat and dog. I was doing extremely well months and months of eating right and exercising. I do not have money or time to cook vegies and prepare food anymore, and I waste a lot of food because I do not have time to eat it. Some nights I do not eat at all because I don’t have time for it or I forget.
I don’t think food should be my main focus right now since I am re adjusting but any kind of tips would be helpful.

I was thinking of investing in one of those gadgets that suck all the air out of the bags and spend a few hours to prepare and freeze.
Does anyone have any other suggestions?


  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Crockpot! Or a steamer or steamer basket, just set it and you don't have to do much. Especially the crock pot, throw some ingredients in and when you get home, or in the morning, you have food!
  • BrilliantSugar
    I find is so damn expensive to buy everyday instead doing one big shop but yeah sometimes there's no time and life gets in the way. I'm totally stressed over a due assignment and got home from the library with the prospect of pulling an all nighter and it was painful to wait by the oven just so I could get my dinner done with!

    I guess it depends on what your preferences are for food, but finding an hour or two each week to prepare food and freeze it is so worth it. You can make batches of stews or soups, veggies burgers, or whatever and at least then you know they're there. Otherwise have a back up of food for on the go. Like for snacks you could have fruit, add yogurt, cereal bars, rice cakes, veg and hummus, I prepare sugar free jello for a treat and it takes five mins to prepare and has TINY calories! For breakfast I'm in love with those microwave sachets for porridge (good for portion control too), and having things like salad mixes and tins of tuna or salmon, turkey slices, couscous, crackers, tinned chickpeas, etc, are great for throwing something together when you don't have time to spare.

    So yeah, I guess setting aside one little hour from your week to do a grocery shop kind of is a must though!
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    School, work, regular everyday tasks, healthy eating, exercise, taking care my pets.
    Since I have started back to school I have little time and little money to focus of food. I never have time to go to the grocery store, prepare food, log calories, exercise. I work full time with some overtime and go to school three times a week on top of homework and taking care of my cat and dog. I was doing extremely well months and months of eating right and exercising. I do not have money or time to cook vegies and prepare food anymore, and I waste a lot of food because I do not have time to eat it. Some nights I do not eat at all because I don’t have time for it or I forget.
    I don’t think food should be my main focus right now since I am re adjusting but any kind of tips would be helpful.

    I was thinking of investing in one of those gadgets that suck all the air out of the bags and spend a few hours to prepare and freeze.
    Does anyone have any other suggestions?

    cook a few things that are easy and that you can freeze and microwave when you want to eat. Grilled chicken, chili, chicken chili, a few pork chops. Buy celery, carrots as they don't spoil rapidly and you can just grab when you're hungry. Make some homemade chicken soup, don't put noodle in though until you're ready to eat. Make big pot and freeze half of it in 1 serving sizes. You can actually put soup into ziplocks and freeze.

    Hit your local grocery and buy already prepared food at the deli area. Kroger's, Martins and other groceries all have this now. Some good healthy prepared foods ready to pick up and eat. I'll buy a piece of grilled salmon, and get some salad from the salad bar and spend about $6. Cheaper than McDs.