Natural treats

wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
I have such a sweet tooth, but have put myself on no junk food for a while. So I am looking for treats I can make with all natural ingredients.

I found someones recipe for No-Bake Granola Balls, and they are perfect! Oats, flax seed, pb (natural), honey, and coconut. I'm looking for more ideas along this vein. I would also allow a SMALL amount of dark chocolate. Just trying to steer away from sugars (or sugar substitutes), and white flour, mostly. I do use protein powder, so any recipes with that are welcome, too.

Ready... GO! :happy:

And thanks in advance!


  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    Wow... no one has any ideas??
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I've been making choc chip protein cookies with PB. You'll find heaps of recipes online. I've been subbing part of the ground oats with ground almonds. It increases the fat a bit but they are so yummy and moist.
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    I'm a little let down by the lack of response here. Thanks, Naomi8888 for your choc chip protein cookie idea... I may have to look for a recipe for that.

    Anyone else??

    I've found the blog for chocolatecoveredkatie, which is awesome! I'm not vegan, not even vegetarian. But she has tons of ideas using natural ingredients, whole wheat, sugar free, etc. I was just hoping my MFP community would have a few ideas for me as well.
  • sunnyk8
    sunnyk8 Posts: 125 Member
    Can you share your recipe for the no bake bites?

    I don't have any recipes, but before workouts I usually eat a Lara Bar. They are made with natural ingredients, and usually very few ingredients at that. For example, the Pecan Pie flavored one I had last night was 3 ingredients: dates (the main staple of Lara Bars), pecans, and walnuts.

    Pretty cool!

    I also just saw a blueberry maple oatmeal smoothie:
    Blueberry Maple Oatmeal Smoothie
    (makes 2 smoothies)

    1/2 cup rolled oats
    1 cup yogurt
    1 cup blueberries (fresh or frozen)
    2 tablespoon maple syrup
    1 cup liquid (I will use almond milk but juices like apple juice would also work well.)

    1. Mix the rolled oats into the yogurt and let sit in the fridge over night.
    2. Puree everything in a food processor.
  • geezer99
    geezer99 Posts: 92
    We make our own gorp for a treat: Raisins, dried cranberries, dried cherries, walnuts, almonds, dry roasted sunflower kernels, dry roasted pepitas. The dried fruit works out to about 92 calories per ounce, and the other ingredients are about 175 calories per ounce so you can vary the calorie content as you wish.
  • bump
  • pamelad77
    pamelad77 Posts: 292 Member
    As a (very) sweet but absolutely lush drink, I've discovered

    Glass of almond milk
    2 tsp raw honey
    1/2 tsp cinammon

    If you mix it up quick and for a few minutes the honey will disperse into the milk.

    Comes in at around 130 cals
  • spynoodle
    spynoodle Posts: 404

    There are TONS of delicious looking recipes on this site that I'm dying to try!!!