p90x insanity hybrid?? ur thoughts/ experience/results

Hey everyone! So starting march 26 (that's is when my quarter for school ends) I will be starting the p90x insanity hybrid...I tried just p90x and love it, but I need more cardio, esp with my 5k in June...can u tell me ur thoughts and share some results??!!


  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I have no results but I'm starting a hybrid of the two once I finish Insanity. I intend on swapping out the yoga, plyo, and maybe kenpo of P90X with Insanity. I'm getting great results with Insanity and don't want to lose the advancements I've made in the cardio department but definitely want to add the strength training of P90X. Good luck with your hybrid!
  • Thank u! I'm super excited for it! I figured it will give me the best of both words and since school is almost over I will really be able to focus on my fitness, so ready for it:)
  • P90X is effective, however you can can the same results - better results - by educating yourself and using your own custom workout plan. I have never bought a DVD or any workout program. Even with low metabolism and an inch to pinch, I have that o-so-desired six pack and strength to back it up, which was attained without the use of a program. Try 20-30 minutes of intense cardio 4-5 days per week and strength training 6 days per week and you'll see WAY faster and better results. Oh, and no matter what you decide to do, have proper nutrition. Otherwise, your money and/or time will go to waste.
  • Well the good thing about my gym is that they have the dvds there and a room to use for them, so no money wasted:) I do know that proper nutrition is key, I def learned that recently..something I am still battling with
  • krazykuban
    krazykuban Posts: 1 Member
    Well, I've been doing the Insanity/P90X hybrid for 2 weeks, I can definitely see a difference, the most difference is my stomach, Ive been down 7 pounds; however, I do no switch YogaX with Insanity, you need to be flexible to do some exercises, YogaX helps you do that, "I hate YogaX" but I still do it every Thursday, if you need an example of my workout routine let me know...Good luck!
  • Definitely do it! My husband did it and got AWESOME results. I'm currently doing a P90X/Turbo Fire Hybrid and I'm getting great results as well. I've completed Insanity as well,so after I finish this hybrid....I think I'm going to do the P90X/Insanity Hybrid. You'll be happy you did it!
  • I am currently doing a p90x/ insanity hybrid as well. This week is the first week of phase 2 for me. I love it. I completed Insanity prior to the hybrid and I really missed the strength training, so doing the hybrid is a perfect combo for me. I really do not like yoga x, it is boring to me and way to long BUT it is an essential part of the program, or so they say. So i am getting ready to put it in now.
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    Where do you find the hybrid schedule?
  • jrodx2
    jrodx2 Posts: 203 Member
    Where do you find the hybrid schedule?

    They have the schedules for all Beachbody hybrids on the Beachbody website.

    As for thoughts on doing the hybrid? I LOVE it!!! I am finishing up the first month this week and am loving the mix of both. I had finished up Insanity in Feb, did a recovery week (the same one in between month 1 and 2 of Insanity) and then went into it. I feel like I'm getting the best of both worlds with this hybrid. Actually looking into doing the Asylum/P90X2 hybrid once this is done. Good luck!
  • Can I ask you guys what nutrition guide, if any, you followed for this hybrid and what you'd recommend?
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Can I ask you guys what nutrition guide, if any, you followed for this hybrid and what you'd recommend?

    I would follow the calories in < calories out nutrition guide.
    The workouts are great, but the nutrition guides are pretty much carbon copies of every other fitness nutrition guide, just with a few different recipes.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    Where do you find the hybrid schedule?

    The power of Google.......just Google "P90X Insanity Hybrid" and you'll find many results.
    You can do the same with many other hybrid.......if you can put two workouts together as a hybrid, I'm pretty sure someone has designed a schedule for it.