Just started

Just started another diet (the dirty four letter word) 3 days ago. I signed up at another gym on Monday. I am determined to get it right this time. I just stepped on the scale after a very long hiatis of not doing so. I was a little shocked to see it as high as it was but can't say I'm that surprised. This has to be my year. I'll be turning 40 in April and I refuse to go up another size. So, I'm hoping for encouragement (from others who've been there) and motivation and of course WILL POWER to stick with it this time.


  • cazz67
    cazz67 Posts: 3
    Hi I am a similar age and joind MFP last april I lost 25 lbs, i have over xmas put a few lbs back on but am now focused to get to goal ready for the summer. As long as you make sure you log your food and exercise you will be fine... and remember the water, it really seems to help - good luck :) x
  • amailitarose
    amailitarose Posts: 11 Member
    I recently started this website myself. I started over 2 weeks ago and I have been logging and being mindful of what I eat every since. It really opened my eyes to the amount of crap i was putting in my body. I have not yet got ahold of a exercise program. But I see that I am making progress and is almost to 8 pounds. I feel that if I hit my first mark that it will be all a down hill slope from there.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Hello!! I think you're looking at it all wrong. A diet is temporary. A lifestyle change is permanent. I made my lifestyle change on 1/1/11 -- this includes eating healthy and working out 6-7 days a week. I am 29 years old and my goal was to lose 100lbs by my 30th birthday which is this coming april..... I started at 303.4. I am currently at 198.4. Yep, I've lost 105lbs. My goal now is to lose another 38.4lbs - I'd like to get to about 160.

    I keep going because I feel so great from working out and eating right. Seriously. It takes commitment - but once you adjust, and realize how great it makes you feel, it becomes a way of life. If I don't get to work out, I feel like I didn't shower that day or something. I've become a bit of a gym rat (in fact the gym is my favorite place to be, besides with my boyfriend)....

    Good luck!! :)
  • Lyndahoots
    Lyndahoots Posts: 7 Member
    Mary, I agree with you about the word "diet". I have to change my lifestyle - eating right and working out (which I started on Tuesday). And good for you for losing the weight you did! That's awesome. Keep it up. I hope I have a success story to write about someday.