Did you ever do this?

Hi, Are you ever just to busy to eat all day. Then you wonder why you aren't hungry. Then you say "I guess I can eat a little something now". At that point you realize that you were starving and you start to eat everything. Then you say to yourself, but I wasn't hungry (cr**).


  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Yup! I've definitely gotten to the point where I wasn't hungry any more but start to eat and want to keep eating..
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    Yup! I HATE when that happens, been trying to just spread my calories out throughout the whole day even if im not hungry just so this doesnt happen!
  • mleipe
    mleipe Posts: 54
    Story of my life. Looking forward to seeing responses.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I've done that. I was visiting my boyfriend last year and we only ate once the three days of it and it was because he was worried I wasn't eating. I was just enjoying myself too much to notice I was hungry and even after we got the food it wasn't until like 3 am the next morning I got ravenous and ate my food.
  • Kayla165
    Kayla165 Posts: 118 Member
    Yes! It is a really bad habbit and very hard to break. I struggle with it everyday but it is getting better.
  • bonita862
    Yep i have done this alot. I have alot of trouble recognising hunger signals. In times like this I always reach for the sugary carbs and cant stop. Now i force myself to eat at certain times in the day.. hungry or not.
    I dont think anyone is ever too busy to not eat. :/ Take care of yourself. Enjoy the journey.
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    All the time! I hate it,I always eat cr*p food after going that! Ugh, your not alone
  • TeddyBear47
    TeddyBear47 Posts: 200 Member
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I try not to go there..... for me hunger isn't really the best guide for when I need to eat, I try to plan meals ahead of time or at least grab a snack (muesli bar, apple, almonds) if I'm really busy.

    Once I'm hungry I get grumpy and that's not a good thing. Besides the fact that I want to eat ALL THE FOOD!