need support

I'm brand new to this site and tonight i've made the decision to commit to a diet and exercise plan. I live alone and am accountable to no one but myself. I realize tonight, after reading some of the posts here on this site, that receiving motivation and support is key to success. I have 70 lbs. to lose. And I feel that I can do it. I need help and support from anyone out there who is willing to do that, and likewise I would support a friend's journey to weight loss success. Any advice, movitation, encouragement would be GREATLY appreciated!


  • I'm sure you can do it! For me, imagining is key. Just find something that would motivate you. Whether showing off your hot body once you lost weight or anything at all. For me is dunking a basketball again. Add friends too so the more you see people working out, the more you'll also want to work out.
  • YAY!!!! Good for you! I lost 30 lbs last spring and put 10 back on since I started a new job in December. My new job is sitting all day so I'm definitely in need of some help!!!! Bless you and best wishes for getting to your goal!
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    We are here for you! Add me anytime!
  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Welcome! You are in the right place!
  • Kimmy0905
    Kimmy0905 Posts: 12 Member
    Congrats on getting on here! Makes such a difference when you're both accountable and have people to support or give you feedback when you need it. People have had such amazing results here and it really is an inspiration. Add me if you would like another friend :-)
  • jacquelynkay
    jacquelynkay Posts: 149 Member
    I'm brand new to this site and tonight i've made the decision to commit to a diet and exercise plan. I live alone and am accountable to no one but myself. I realize tonight, after reading some of the posts here on this site, that receiving motivation and support is key to success. I have 70 lbs. to lose. And I feel that I can do it. I need help and support from anyone out there who is willing to do that, and likewise I would support a friend's journey to weight loss success. Any advice, movitation, encouragement would be GREATLY appreciated!

    I'm new to this site also. The people on her has been absolutely amazing to me! Feel free to add me. It has really uplifted me and will help me keep it up!!!
  • Larisonlj
    Larisonlj Posts: 426 Member
    My best advice is to plan ahead. Plan your meals and snacks, plan your exercise. If you have a plan you're less likely to get distracted and detour yourself. I love the mobile app so that I can keep up to date no matter where I'm at. I also purchased a heart rate monitor so that I knew "true" calories burned instead of estimated. Finally, you need to eat your net calories, or at least close to it.
    Good luck and stay strong. Remember, sometimes it's more about how you feel or how your clothes fit than the scale. :)
  • joebiebrich
    joebiebrich Posts: 10 Member
    90% of success is just showing up. Keeping logging in! Even when you don't feel like it. This is my first post, but this place seems like a family and I'm sure there will be no shortage of support for you. Congrats on taking the first step!
  • MeToJem
    MeToJem Posts: 13
    Feel free to add me as a freind.
  • Congrats on your new beginning! I am always happy to support anyone (I could use it myself), so feel free to add me. And good luck! :)
  • perezke91
    perezke91 Posts: 50 Member
    Feel free to friend me :D
  • shipleyd
    shipleyd Posts: 94 Member
    I reached out for support last week and was super surprised at the HUGE response I got. This site is amazing! Sending you a friend request :)
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    welcome to MFP, I joined in July- also live alone which makes the food stocking so much easier! I just don't keep crap food in the house- if I want it, I have to go get it. This gives me time to think about it really hard.
    Sending FR

    Good luck!
  • Linzee08
    Linzee08 Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats on taking the first step and reaching out for support! I have been a member for a little while now but could use some support also to get over a plateau. Feel free to add me! Best of luck. :smile:
  • Andufrene
    Andufrene Posts: 44
    The support on here in awesome! Feel free to add me! (Anyone feel free to add me)
  • You will do great! The site truly does help! adding you now :)
  • You can do it! I made the same decision just over a week ago and have already lost 7lbs! This is such a helpful site, good luck!
  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    good advice already posted, so I will just add to search thru the Blogs and spend some time reading. You can learn a lot plus get motivated. maybe you even want to start your own blog? thats a very public commitment that will make sure you come back to MFP frequently. Oh, and force yourself to take "Before" photos and enter your starting measurements too. Find some pants or other garment that you can't quite fit into and hang it where you can see it as you first "mini-goal." Sometimes the scale does not reflect your hard work and you can get discouraged, but one day you try on those pants and voila! they fit! that really feels great, especially when the scale is not moving. Good luck!
  • slimmergalpal
    slimmergalpal Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome! This is your family of support, if you treat yourself and it that way. Please remember these key points:
    1)Drink Water. Lots of it. I hate water, but it works. Honestly. Drink Water. It is some sort of miracle thing.
    2)My MFP family has taught me that the people who have the most success log everyday. Be accountable. Good and Bad, because we all have Good and Bad days. Log everyday.
    3)Allow your body to change without freaking out if the scale doesnt move fast, but you are loosing inches. It does happen that way for most people. Your body will change if you start eating better, exercise daily, and log your progress.
    4) If you are really ready to do this, it will start to happen. You wont find excuses why you did this or that.

    This is not a game of perfection. It is about making better choices for yourself to improve your life.

    You can add me if you would like. You can do this. Best of Luck !! =)
  • Krahn1984
    Krahn1984 Posts: 57 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, I love supporting healthy lifestyles!