I'm new here!

katydid25 Posts: 199 Member
Hi there! I'm a full time student and work 40+ hours/week on top of trying to lose weight so its really easy for me to lose focus. I'm already down 10 pounds, but decided to join this site so I can stay motived and celebrate sucesses! I've been reading through these boards for a few days and it seems like a really supportive group! I'm excited to join you on your journey!


  • I did the 40 hours and school deal for 6 years, it was the worst! Best of luck - I'm here for ya!
  • bstiver
    bstiver Posts: 57 Member
    I know exactly what you are going through. I did my last two years of undergrad. Now I only work a million hours a week (I do alot of at home work to prep) and ones masters class!
    Its hard, but very do able lol I lost 15lbs when I was doing both.
  • drpope83
    drpope83 Posts: 10
    Yes .. the motivation is always the hardest hurdle
  • diana776
    diana776 Posts: 54
    Hiiiii! i joined last week too & still getting used to keep track of everything i eat and what type of exercises im doing...I have been working out for almost 2 years now :) i know how youre feeling when i was in university it was hard to workout and try eating healthy but i know by now that all the pain, sweat its going be worth :).. so cool we can keep motivated :) xo
  • wordpainter09
    wordpainter09 Posts: 472 Member
    Wow, I'm a student working full time too and it's so hard to fit in all in. Glad to know there's someone else out there doing the same thing!