Personal Best and Goals Challenge

Hi all,

I've been participating in various challenges lately and they have motivated me to keep on going. This month I decided to quit all my challenges and try to focus on my personal best and goals. However, what has kept me motivated is people. So, I thought I'd extend the invite out. I can create group if there is interest. I have created a chart and can likewise create a chart for anyone else who chooses to join me. Here is what my chart contains:

* Plank
* Push ups
* Exercise 3x a week
* Strengthening exercise 3x a week
* Eat 5 portions of fruits & veggies daily

The point of this challenge is to do what works for you. You don't have to report back to anyone if you don't want to. You can quit at anytime, it's all up to you. This is a self-motivator challenge. You have to choose what you want and what works for you. So, if this works for you, all I need to know is what your own personal goals are? I will send you a chart. You fill it out as you want and keep trying to up your ante.