Couch to 5k...

I'm going to start this program next week and just wanted to hear from others on how well it worked. Where were you fitness/running wise when you started it?

Thanks :happy:


  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    I'm going to start this program next week and just wanted to hear from others on how well it worked. Where were you fitness/running wise when you started it?

    Thanks :happy:
  • mburke88
    mburke88 Posts: 9
    when i started to exercise in september 2008 it was terrible, i was very overweight and honestly could not even run at like a 4.5 speed on the treadmill for more than 30, from slowly increasing the speed and from working out more at the gym I am able to jog at this same speed for a good 15 minutes or so, and im now doing intervals which are insane and i do 2 minutes at 3.5 walking pace, and then 2 minutes at 7.0 full out I am proud to say that with some dedication and some effort it is quite possible to get running in no time!