Treadmill vs Elliptical



  • FitnessByKai
    Elliptical way easier on the joints while allowing you to work different parts of your legs and butt with the numerous settings they provide. :)
  • FitnessByKai
    Polaris brand!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I'm in love with my treadmill. I started walking back in November, started counting calories/watching my diet two weeks ago. I've only lost a total of 12 pounds since November, but my resting heart rate has decreased by about 10-15BPM, and I went from barely being able to do 15 minutes at 2.0, to walking for an hour at a 3.0. I know that's not very fast--yet--but I love that I can measure the progress like that. My goal was 3 miles, and tonight for the first time I met that goal :-) A full 30 days ahead of schedule.

    I've tried the elliptical years ago, and found it very jerky and clumsy to use. I'm pretty short though, and even though I was in far better shape than I am now, I had issues with it. I have co-workers who just love it though.

    Good luck with the decision
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Get an elliptical with movable handles and save those joints, burn calories at a high rate, get a full body workout and make possible variations in motion enabling you to avoid getting used to doing the same exercise such that it loses some effectiveness. I have one parked in one of my rooms and I love the workout it gives me. If you can get a quality machine, they may cost a little more but well worth it in the long run.

    Today I focused on involving my abs and worked them out pretty good while keeping my heart rate at around 85-90% - and enjoyed it.
  • Lissakaye81
    Lissakaye81 Posts: 224 Member
    I love both the treadmill and eliptical, I own a treamill cause the eliptical that I like are the ones they have at gyms which are soo expensive. So my hubby got me the Nordik Track Viewpoint for 600$ off craigslist. LOVE IT. It has a little tv screen and cable input/rca input and mp3 player input. I hook up my playstation 3 and either watching streaming netflix shows, listen to music cranked, or just stroll and read. I can also do the ifit programs but havent used em yet. It has a HRM but only works if you stop running and take pulse so I bought a seperate hrm. Oh ya it has a fan to with different speeds and you can get a chest hrm for it. If you can find one used worth every penny!
  • schlagers
    schlagers Posts: 58
    Bowflex treadclimber. Best of both worlds! It really is a but kicker! I was doing an hour on an elliptical with the resistance in the mid range, but was only able to do about 20 min on the treadclimber. I burn more calories in less time too!

    I've always wanted to get one of those. I LOVE the elliptical but I feel like I get a better workout running on the treadmill. Bowflex is the best of both! I'm definitely making this a must-have when I get a house with enough room in it!
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I started on the elliptical to help build my endurance and cardiovascular strength. Then I moved onto running for my overall/continued workout plan.

    Based on machine readouts, the elliptical said more calories. But based on my HRM, I always burn more running vs elliptical, 100% of the time. I can get my elliptical burn a bit higher when I don't hold onto anything and just engage my arms freely like I'm running.

    A number of articles I read on ellipticals said that holding onto the moving handles either minimizes the amount of work your legs do (because you're providing additional force and lessening what your legs have to exert) or minimize the amount that your upper body is engaged because you're stabilizing yourself using outside means rather than having to find and keep your own balance and pump your arms to keep your legs going. And based on my HRM calorie burns, I'd agree.

    Running is a full body sort of thing. Actually, increasing strength in your upper body can help you run faster and power through inclines since your legs and arms work in tandem and if you can pump your arms, it'll move your legs. Plus, like I said, for me, it's just an overall higher calorie burner. Plus, it gives you the training to go out and run outdoors on a trail or in a local run event. Which the elliptical could never prepare you for.

    And I'm also speaking as someone with terrible knees. Like, have had knee braces since high school, bad knees. And the elliptical sometimes actually made them feel worse. I rarely ever have knee pain at all anymore and haven't worn braces on them in almost a year now. (started running in January last year) I do combine my running with strength training for both upper and lower body, as well as one day a week of non-running cardio. Where I still try not to ever get back onto an elliptical because, even in high resistance it feels like I'm not getting anything out of it and the calorie burns are still lower. I hit up the ARC trainer which matches my run calories burned almost exactly.
  • naiomi85
    naiomi85 Posts: 29 Member
    I started on the elliptical to help build my endurance and cardiovascular strength. Then I moved onto running for my overall/continued workout plan.

    Based on machine readouts, the elliptical said more calories. But based on my HRM, I always burn more running vs elliptical, 100% of the time. I can get my elliptical burn a bit higher when I don't hold onto anything and just engage my arms freely like I'm running.

    A number of articles I read on ellipticals said that holding onto the moving handles either minimizes the amount of work your legs do (because you're providing additional force and lessening what your legs have to exert) or minimize the amount that your upper body is engaged because you're stabilizing yourself using outside means rather than having to find and keep your own balance and pump your arms to keep your legs going. And based on my HRM calorie burns, I'd agree.

    Running is a full body sort of thing. Actually, increasing strength in your upper body can help you run faster and power through inclines since your legs and arms work in tandem and if you can pump your arms, it'll move your legs. Plus, like I said, for me, it's just an overall higher calorie burner. Plus, it gives you the training to go out and run outdoors on a trail or in a local run event. Which the elliptical could never prepare you for.

    And I'm also speaking as someone with terrible knees. Like, have had knee braces since high school, bad knees. And the elliptical sometimes actually made them feel worse. I rarely ever have knee pain at all anymore and haven't worn braces on them in almost a year now. (started running in January last year) I do combine my running with strength training for both upper and lower body, as well as one day a week of non-running cardio. Where I still try not to ever get back onto an elliptical because, even in high resistance it feels like I'm not getting anything out of it and the calorie burns are still lower. I hit up the ARC trainer which matches my run calories burned almost exactly.

    This was JUST the post i was needing! Just about EVERYONE i know tells me that they burn more cals with the elliptical...however i personally burn the same amount on it as the treadmill. I set the resistance high on the elliptical and i also set the incline high on the tread. It just evens out for me. Everyone also tells me that your workout is better with the elliptical bc it works your upper body...but i have always wondered if that would take away from the workout in your legs. You have answered the very thing i have been pondering over!