
I am getting conflicting answers. My wife and I are trying to lose weight. My wife wants to lose between 50-100lbs, me 175-200lbs. Where I am having trouble is Do you eat before or After a workout?
My wife says eat, then rest 1 hour then workout. I say workout then eat because your metabolic rate is working harder after you workout.

(ket it be me for once):tongue:


  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    there is no right answer .. so you both can be right.

    everyone's body is different. for instance, for the most part i can wake up and go directly to the gym without food and still get through a tough workout. but i had a workout partner who'd try this and she'd get nauseous. we would be doing the same exact work out. of course when i do that i make sure to keep my workouts no more than 60 minutes.

    you're just going to have to listen to you body :smile:
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Eat when it makes you feel good. If she wants to wait an hour - that's fine but I would be too hungry to do that!
    I usually eat something small before I run (toast or fruit) then a decent meal when I get back. That works for me, but you need to experiment to see what suits your body and your lifestyle.
  • bcc112986
    bcc112986 Posts: 362 Member
    Each person will be different. It is not bad to eat before and it is not bad to eat after a workout.

    For me, I will eat 3-4 hours before training. I get sick easily if I have any food in my stomach while I am training.

    And I almost always eat within an hour after training.

    You should listen to your body and eat when you need energy and are hungry. While you and your wife lose weight, you may not be on the same schedule of eating. Your metabolisms are probably different and how many calories you burn is probably going to be different.

  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    There are different schools of thought on this. Some people believe a fasted workout burns more fat. Some even believe that starting fasted and staying fasted until an hour afterwards is the best way to maximize fat burn. In their view, eating would only encourage burning off whatever you ate. On the other hand, others believe if you work out fasted you will burn muscle and therefore should have a light snack first.

    I actually like the data for the fasted group better and therefore try to train fasted. I find I work out harder and last longer training fasted, probably because I'm not trying to digest anything. I have started training non-fasted while pregnant just in case since that's what they tell me to do and don't like it as much.

    Some food for thought:
  • JenAiMarres
    JenAiMarres Posts: 767 Member
    I usually eat out an hour before a work out...only about 100 cals..and after I have a protein shake..anywhere from 200 to 400 cals. I hear it's most important to feed your body protein after a workout...