P 90X/Insanity/30 Day Shred

P 90X/Insanity/30 Day Shred

For all that have tried any of these, how did you like it? Which would you recommend?


  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I LOVE 30DS! Haven't tried the others. I think I might cycle through them. 30DS is perfect for me. My husband leaves for work I pull up the video (the full level 1 is on you tube, you can find the others on google, I bought the DVD on amazon for 7€) and can get in the full work out plus a shower and get dressed and have breakfast before my 8-month-old is up for breakfast. I just finished level 1 day 7. The workout is getting lots easier, day 1 and 2 kicked my butt but I am pretty out of shape. I am not doing rest days, some people do. This is the only chance I get for a workout. I go walking with my son in a stroller and in April when the weather is better a strollercize or buggy fit or whatever we want to call it course is starting at a park near me. But I totally recommend it, like I said other than walking it is the only exercise I get and I can already see a change in my body.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Just now starting the 30ds, then hopefully I'll be able to handle P90x or insanity next month

    I've heard p90x is really tough and you have to be pretty fit to try it. If you think you're already there, go for it. Otherwise, you may want to start with 30ds.

    This site has all 3 for free: http://tanandtoned.tumblr.com/

    Edit: I've also heard insanity is like p90x on crack, so I'd save that one for last!
  • mickyjd
    mickyjd Posts: 97
    I've just completed 7 weeks and 3 days of Insanity - and I love it. I was totally unfit when I started and did the fitness test - here's how my fitness tests progressed:

    9 Jan 23 Jan 15 Feb 29 Feb
    Switch Kicks 55 62 66 74
    Power Jacks 41 57 64 70
    Power Knees 60 91 100 111
    Power Jumps 10 26 42 56
    Globe Jumps 4 11 13 14
    Suicide Jumps 8 15 17 21
    Push-Up Jacks 12 20 25 30
    Low Plank Oblique 36 50 60 69

    I've also lost around 11-12lb since starting this. I haven't stuck to his diet plan but have watched my calorie intake and tried to make as many RIGHT choices as I can.

    It is great for your cardio and my running times have improved dramatically, so I am a huge fan of Insanity - but you will be exhausted on every workout - even in week 8! Still, I can't wait to start it all over again :)
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I've just completed 7 weeks and 3 days of Insanity - and I love it. I was totally unfit when I started and did the fitness test - here's how my fitness tests progressed:

    9 Jan 23 Jan 15 Feb 29 Feb
    Switch Kicks 55 62 66 74
    Power Jacks 41 57 64 70
    Power Knees 60 91 100 111
    Power Jumps 10 26 42 56
    Globe Jumps 4 11 13 14
    Suicide Jumps 8 15 17 21
    Push-Up Jacks 12 20 25 30
    Low Plank Oblique 36 50 60 69

    I've also lost around 11-12lb since starting this. I haven't stuck to his diet plan but have watched my calorie intake and tried to make as many RIGHT choices as I can.

    It is great for your cardio and my running times have improved dramatically, so I am a huge fan of Insanity - but you will be exhausted on every workout - even in week 8! Still, I can't wait to start it all over again :)

    Wow... that's quite an improvement. Great job! I just did the Fit Test yesterday and then today I have my first "real" workout. I thought the Fit Test was going to kill me... so here's to hoping I get results like yours :)
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    I've just completed 7 weeks and 3 days of Insanity - and I love it. I was totally unfit when I started and did the fitness test - here's how my fitness tests progressed:

    9 Jan 23 Jan 15 Feb 29 Feb
    Switch Kicks 55 62 66 74
    Power Jacks 41 57 64 70
    Power Knees 60 91 100 111
    Power Jumps 10 26 42 56
    Globe Jumps 4 11 13 14
    Suicide Jumps 8 15 17 21
    Push-Up Jacks 12 20 25 30
    Low Plank Oblique 36 50 60 69

    I've also lost around 11-12lb since starting this. I haven't stuck to his diet plan but have watched my calorie intake and tried to make as many RIGHT choices as I can.

    It is great for your cardio and my running times have improved dramatically, so I am a huge fan of Insanity - but you will be exhausted on every workout - even in week 8! Still, I can't wait to start it all over again :)

    Do you think it'd be unwise to try insanity and p90x at the same time? As in, one in the morning and one at night? Or would it be too much?
  • luvmypwds
    luvmypwds Posts: 81
    I haven't done insanity, but unless you are currently super fit, I think it would be too much. Do you have a lot of time to workout? P90X alone takes 90 minutes a day.
  • luvmypwds
    luvmypwds Posts: 81
    I have tried P90X and am currently doing 30 DS. P90X is much tougher, if only b/c it is a much longer workout. You have to have around 90 minutes a day, though there is one rest day. It is a lot more lifting. You definitely will see results though. I haven't been doing 30 DS for long enough to tell you whether you will see results, but everyone here seems to like it. I like it too b/c it only takes 20 minutes, so if time is an issue then give it a try. It is a good enough work out i think.
  • mickyjd
    mickyjd Posts: 97
    I've just completed 7 weeks and 3 days of Insanity - and I love it. I was totally unfit when I started and did the fitness test - here's how my fitness tests progressed:

    9 Jan 23 Jan 15 Feb 29 Feb
    Switch Kicks 55 62 66 74
    Power Jacks 41 57 64 70
    Power Knees 60 91 100 111
    Power Jumps 10 26 42 56
    Globe Jumps 4 11 13 14
    Suicide Jumps 8 15 17 21
    Push-Up Jacks 12 20 25 30
    Low Plank Oblique 36 50 60 69

    I've also lost around 11-12lb since starting this. I haven't stuck to his diet plan but have watched my calorie intake and tried to make as many RIGHT choices as I can.

    It is great for your cardio and my running times have improved dramatically, so I am a huge fan of Insanity - but you will be exhausted on every workout - even in week 8! Still, I can't wait to start it all over again :)

    Wow... that's quite an improvement. Great job! I just did the Fit Test yesterday and then today I have my first "real" workout. I thought the Fit Test was going to kill me... so here's to hoping I get results like yours :)

    Good luck and stick with it - feel free to add me as I'll be starting all over again at the end :) Maybe we can push each other..............DIG DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPERRRRR!!!!!
  • mickyjd
    mickyjd Posts: 97
    I've just completed 7 weeks and 3 days of Insanity - and I love it. I was totally unfit when I started and did the fitness test - here's how my fitness tests progressed:

    9 Jan 23 Jan 15 Feb 29 Feb
    Switch Kicks 55 62 66 74
    Power Jacks 41 57 64 70
    Power Knees 60 91 100 111
    Power Jumps 10 26 42 56
    Globe Jumps 4 11 13 14
    Suicide Jumps 8 15 17 21
    Push-Up Jacks 12 20 25 30
    Low Plank Oblique 36 50 60 69

    I've also lost around 11-12lb since starting this. I haven't stuck to his diet plan but have watched my calorie intake and tried to make as many RIGHT choices as I can.

    It is great for your cardio and my running times have improved dramatically, so I am a huge fan of Insanity - but you will be exhausted on every workout - even in week 8! Still, I can't wait to start it all over again :)

    Do you think it'd be unwise to try insanity and p90x at the same time? As in, one in the morning and one at night? Or would it be too much?

    If you can do that, let me know - personally, and I reckon I'm relatively fit now, there is now way I could do that. Slow and steady for me is the way to go. Good luck though if you decide to go ahead :) Again, feel free to add me and we can inspire each other.
  • EricaHasJoy
    Thanks! I think I'll start off with the 30 Day Shred. I'm not very fit so I don't want to jump into those "Big Kid" workouts just yet! Lol
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    P90X is very easy and kinda basic depending on your fitness level. Insanity is tough and it really makes P90X cardio workouts a complete joke. Note that regardless of which one you do, if you don't change your eating, you can exercise till you die and won't see any changes. Both programs are good. Insanity can be intimidating if you are new but you just have to do as much as you can do.

    You are not going to be Shaun T in 60 days. P90X is about 1 hr and 15 minutes a day. Insanity is about 45-1 hr depending on which month you are in. Honestly, the whole, P90X is longer argument is silly. If you don't have that much time to work on yourself, I don't know.
  • polmoss
    polmoss Posts: 1
    Did P90X and enjoyed that; went on to Insantiy and the cardio is MUCH harder and no weights - just body weight is used; after completing 60 days of Insanity I went back and forth between the two for a year so I would get the best of both in strength training and cardio. Started P90X2 last month and it's good with a lot of integrated balance and core work. Not as "frantic" as Insanity and difficult but not at a breathtaking pace.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Yea, I think I'll probably just try P90x after 30ds and save insanity for later then. That was my original plan anyway.

    What kind of weights are needed for p90x? All I have right now are a couple of wimpy 2.5 lb dumbells :-\
  • strikerjb007
    strikerjb007 Posts: 443 Member
    That depends on your strength. On the video, the ladies typically use 8-15. I would say that a good start is 5,8, 10,15. I am a guy so I am just guessing from years at the gym. Most ladies use 5,8,10,15. You can find sets on craigslist pretty cheap.
  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    Yea, I'll need to buy a couple of sets. I've found that I can't really use any 1 set of weights for multiple workouts. 3-4lb dumbells are usually good to work my shoulders, but I need at least 8-10lb for biceps.
  • eve7166
    eve7166 Posts: 223 Member
    I tried Insanity a little over a year ago and let me tell you it is INSANE...some of my friends in better shape then me couldnt get through it and unless your in top shape you should be careful with your knees...my best friend's knee still hurts to this (she did it when i did)

    30day shredd has good results and its much easier if your not in tip top shape... you can look up the jillian michael "slim down" plan..i found it on this website.. it has a rotation of 3 videos (thats the same idea as px90 and insanity) ... i havent done px90 but from friends who have done both px and insanity its suppose to be a little easier ....so i would start with jm then px90 then insanity ... GL
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    Insanity kicked my butt on the Day 1 fitness test...AND...You don't run a marathon for your first race. So I did it every other day for two weeks, then added one more day each week. I am in it for 7 weeks now and still my schedule rarely lets me do it more than 5 days a week. It took me about 3 weeks to make it through the warm-ups without stopping and I was in pretty good shape.

    I still recover in the "fetal position" many times, and I sometimes (OK - often) hit the pause button...but the hard bodies in the video are collapsing too, DO NOT TRY TO KEEP UP with the video hard bodies...but keep moving.

    ALSO - when I have trouble doing something - DO SOMETHING ELSE - but keep moving. Improvement comes.

    My favorite part are the stretches at the end of each video. It feels amazing!