Simplest breakdown of how to lose a lb. a week...ever



  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    Pls can someone advise, my bmr on this site is 1285 x 1.2 = (office worker) = 1532, does that mean if i want to lose only 0.5lb a week i eat 1532- 500? that puts me below 1200??? but if i eat 1200 thats only a deficit of 332?
    my doctor adviced 800 cals a day but everyone here diss's this??????

    current weight 162lbs
    4ft 10
    diary open

    pls pls help
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    Great post, it makes sense however I just let MFP do all the work. I get 1200 per day, I exercise each day and I eat the calories MFP tells me I've earned. In terms of understanding weight loss in a simple sense this is a good explanation :)
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    so i should eat what calories it tells me to, mmmm healthy calories, and then eat the calories i burn. I should then lose the 2 pounds a week that i want to. Is it really this simple? I see most people are not eatting their allowed calories day after day. I have not hit a wall yet and want to avoid avoid aviod this. Love all the feed back on this post.
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    Pls can someone advise, my bmr on this site is 1285 x 1.2 = (office worker) = 1532, does that mean if i want to lose only 0.5lb a week i eat 1532- 500? that puts me below 1200??? but if i eat 1200 thats only a deficit of 332?
    my doctor adviced 800 cals a day but everyone here diss's this??????

    current weight 162lbs
    4ft 10
    diary open

    pls pls help

    Hi there

    MFP calculates your maintenance calories at 1620, MFP calculates that to lose 1lb per week you should be eating 1620 less 500 which is 1120. This however is way too low so it will default to 1200 as a minimum. If you go to tools and calculate your BMR then I would recommend that you eat at least that which is what works for me. 1200 wasn't enough. My Maintenance is about 1700 and I have my goals set to lose half a pound per week which is 1490, my BMR is about 1300/1400 (depending on which calculation used!). I only eat about half of my exercise calories. If I ate them all I wouldn't lose weight.

    This is just me though - and it took a lot of attempts to get it right. I read the forum topics to get different ideas for goal setting and the BMR idea seemed to make the most sense to me and it works for me. It is very confusing though!
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    And even easier still... let MFP do the maths for you!

    If you put all your details into MFP, choose "lose 1 pounds per week" and eat the cals that MFP recommends plus the cals you burn through exercise - you should be well on your way.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Pls can someone advise, my bmr on this site is 1285 x 1.2 = (office worker) = 1532, does that mean if i want to lose only 0.5lb a week i eat 1532- 500? that puts me below 1200??? but if i eat 1200 thats only a deficit of 332?
    my doctor adviced 800 cals a day but everyone here diss's this??????

    current weight 162lbs
    4ft 10
    diary open

    pls pls help
    I'm the same height as you and can explain this clearly, I'm busy right now, but if you still don't understand it completely by tonight send me a note to remind me and I'll reply to this thread with some figures for you.
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    I have started eating back my exercise calories now and i have started lossing weight again :smile:
  • quietHiker
    quietHiker Posts: 1,442 Member
    EPIPHANY!!! the calories that MFP gives me should be what I eat every day because it already does the 500 calorie deficit to lose when I exercise and it brings me under my goal calories for the day,I should really eat more to up it to that wonder I'm not losing weight...I'm in starvation mode I think! Thanks for this helpful post!
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Pls can someone advise, my bmr on this site is 1285 x 1.2 = (office worker) = 1532, does that mean if i want to lose only 0.5lb a week i eat 1532- 500?
    No, you need a 500-calorie deficit to lose one pound a week. If you want to lose half a pound a week, you eat 1532 - 250 = 1282.

    OR, for the same results, eat 1532 and do 250 calories worth of exercise. It's still 1532 - 250 = 1282 net calories, but this way you get to eat more.

    If you don't understand the math, the site will do it for you.
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    my doctor adviced 800 cals a day but everyone here diss's this??????

    current weight 162lbs
    4ft 10
    diary open

    If you're on a medically supervised plan to eat 800 calories, then you should follow your doctors' recommendation. At 4'10 you are a small person and can eat less than MFP's default 1200 calories.
  • jackieb1977
    jackieb1977 Posts: 195 Member
    i am a little confused with alll the replies. i want to lose approx 3lb per week i think that is just right for me as i have over 100llbs to lose, so according to my math i should be burning approx 1500kcals per day in order to achieve this right???
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It really is that simple. If you eat at a deficit, you will lose weight. A pound is equal to roughly 3500 calories, so if you burn 3500 calories more than you take in, you'll lose about a pound.

    The problem is that these are estimates on top of estimates. The first and probably biggest is how much you're burning. Calculating calories your body has burned can be very difficult to do, particularly if folks haven't taken the time to do the number crunching.

    People are also notoriously bad at logging food intake. Not that actively try to leave things out, but more often that they misjudge a serving size, or neglect to include all the ingredients, or have a bad reference point for caloric value of what they're consuming.

    It really is a simple matter of creating a deficit, but it can still be a lot of hard work to iron out a plan the works for you and gets you the results you're looking for. And in theory, theory is the same as practice, but not as practice.
    i am a little confused with alll the replies. i want to lose approx 3lb per week i think that is just right for me as i have over 100llbs to lose, so according to my math i should be burning approx 1500kcals per day in order to achieve this right???

    The first thing I'd ask is what brought you to the number of 3lbs per week? Why do you need to lose at that speed? The more a person has to lose, the larger the deficit they can safely create in their diet (and yes, 3lbs per week would be 1500 cal/day deficit). Read:

    One thing to recognize though is that although the deficit will generate weight loss, it does not happen linearly. On top of the my point about errors with estimations, there are all kinds of bodily functions that can skew the number on the scale. The most prevalent that I know of is water retention. Whatever your deficit, you need to be looking at it over a longer term than just a week. Do not expect to see the same constant loss every week or you will likely get frustrated at some point. Read:

    Finally, consider going with something more moderate. Speaking as someone with a lot of experience with crash dieting, more moderate approaches tend to have more lasting effects. Would you rather lose 100 lbs in a year and gain it back 2 years later or lose 100 lbs over the course of 3 years but keep it off? One really important aspect of changing your eating habits is when you come off the diet and go into maintenance mode. Dieting in a more moderate fashion means that the transition from cutting to maintenance will be much closer, and much less of a shock that could potentially send you back to old, bad habits.

    My $0.02, take it or leave it.

    Good luck either way.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Bump for reading later
  • tonyaf78
    tonyaf78 Posts: 29 Member
    I am very surprised that a physician would recommend you eat only 800 calories. That is way too low for anyone, even my 17 month old that weighs 27lbs is supposed to eat at least 1000 calories/day. Your body IS in starvation mode and is holding on to every reserve that you have; you maybe damaging your muscle, tissues, and other vital organs. If you have been doing this type of diet for any length of time, I would suggest 2 things: 1) change doctors and 2) ask for a complete blood count workup from your doctor- to make sure everything is ok..
  • jennfost777
    jennfost777 Posts: 37 Member
    Pls can someone advise, my bmr on this site is 1285 x 1.2 = (office worker) = 1532, does that mean if i want to lose only 0.5lb a week i eat 1532- 500? that puts me below 1200??? but if i eat 1200 thats only a deficit of 332?
    my doctor adviced 800 cals a day but everyone here diss's this??????

    current weight 162lbs
    4ft 10
    diary open

    pls pls help
    I would try reading the blood type diet book and see what surtain foods you should eat more of in order to loose weight.I've been doing this and I feel grat and keep loosing weight.Also, try some interval training to rev up your metabolism a good one is 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels
  • DataBased
    DataBased Posts: 513 Member
    Okay I know I'm going to sound thick but what's TDEE?
    Total Daily Energy Expenditure - the amount of calories your body needs to function in a day.

    Edited to add link to a site that shows you how to calculate your own TDEE:

  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    Okay I know I'm going to sound thick but what's TDEE?
    Total Daily Energy Expenditure - the amount of calories your body needs to function in a day.

    Edited to add link to a site that shows you how to calculate your own TDEE:


    Thank you! Great site - makes much more sense now!
  • tcake34
    tcake34 Posts: 2
    me ages at first to starting loosing weight an i started drinking more water an exercising and it started coming off slowly at firs and then more gradual dont give up.xx
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    I've lost 14 lbs in a week with water fasting
  • jaabee11
    jaabee11 Posts: 322 Member