Ok, Canadians (and other cold-dwelling folk!)

Well, it's February in Ontario.

What do you guys use as motivation to get outside and burn some calories? I don't have any interest in joining a gym and my apartment's far to small to fit any exercise equipment, so outside is my only hope. This time of year, though, it's too easy to look outside, see what seems like about a meter of snow, and plop back down onto the couch for a Firefly marathon.
My boyfriend's dog-sitting for the next week or so, and that's good motivation to get outside a bit more, but I don't think my cat would appreciate me adopting a dog just to burn some calories ;)
So, any clever tips for fighting off the "oh, it's FAR to cold to go for a walk!" mentality?


  • indisguise
    indisguise Posts: 235
    I'm a Minnesotan, so I feel your pain... Have you considered a work out video that you can do in your apartment when it's cold out? I don't know what you have for cable where you are, but Comcast has some workouts on their on demand menu here.
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 194 Member
    Well its been cold over here in the UK yet I still do my 2 mile walk at lunch.

    Usually takes me about 40 minutes and once I get going I warm up. But I am sure it is not as cold as in Ontario.

    I usually don't bring any lunch into the office so I have to go and buy it it I am going to eat healthy so walk to the nearest supermarket which is 2 miles away.

    Kind of forces me into it.