White Bread

I've just started counting calories and keeping track for the past week, I've also started doing 15 minutes on my exercise bike a day and I aim to steadily increase that with time. Thing is although i've been under my calorie goal every day and I'm drastically not eating as much as I used to before starting this, I am still eating foods which would not necessarily be considered healthy, like a packet of crisps a day as a treat for example and white bread, but I'm not going over my calorie goal. For example, I love white bread, I don't like granary but I will eat wholemeal if I have to. Question is, can you still lose weight eating white bread or is it wise to just eat wholemeal? Would it be faster losing weight eating wholemeal compared to white bread?

I've been told by a friend who has been successful on weight loss on Slimming World that calorie counting is not the be and end all of successful weight loss. Can anyone shed some light at all please? :)
Thanks in advance!


  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I look at it like losing weight and being healthy are 2 different things. Yes, you'll lose weight eating white bread and crisps if you remain under your calorie goal. No, you won't be as healthy as you could be if you eat whole grains. But maybe you'll work on that part later. :smile: good luck!

    Slimming World = don't bother. These programs just count the calories for you and leave you ignorant of what you're eating so you'll have to depend on them. Just count your own calories. There's nothing wrong with counting calories. I don't know why it's become so taboo, but it shouldn't be.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I look at it like losing weight and being healthy are 2 different things. Yes, you'll lose weight eating white bread and crisps if you remain under your calorie goal. No, you won't be as healthy as you could be if you eat whole grains. But maybe you'll work on that part later. :smile: good luck!

    I agree. You can theoretically lose weight eating crisps and sweets all day if you are in a calorie deficit. Will you be healthy? No. Everyone has to find the balance that works for them, as none of us eat perfectly. I aim to do my best most days but some days, I want the cookie (or insert snack name here). I just make those days fit into my calorie goals.
  • beckys19
    beckys19 Posts: 119 Member
    If you're looking to work on becomming more healthy (not just loosing weight), you might want to consider making your own bread. At first try 1/4 white whole wheat to 3/4 white, and eventually work up to full white whole wheat, then maybe start adding regular whole wheat a quarter at a time. I managed to cut down to 1% milkfat from whole in a similar way. I could probably go down to skim but my hubby will only go down to 1%.

    Also, a while back when there was an awesome deal at a grocery store where stuff was essentially free, I picked up some Pepperidge Farms 9 grain and/or 13 grain breads.... they were so flavorful, very yummy! At the time I was doing it since they were higher in fiber, even though I still preferred white over whole wheat at teh time. So, maybe try some whole grain breads with a LOT of different grains.

    If you are thinking of making your own bread, watch the local goodwill/salvation army/resale shops for breadmakers. In late Jan I managed to pick up a nice one for $2.50 because it's sticker was the half price color o' the day. There were 8 or more there that day, usually they only have a couple. I'm guessing lots of people got upgraded machines for Christmas and unloaded old ones. If you do get one make sure it has all the parts (I've seen some without the little mixing paddle!) and plug it in to make sure it works. Beth Hensperger's "The Bread Lover's Bread Machine Cookbook" is a good book to have if you go this route. Also, if you prefer regular shaped loaves, just use the 'dough' cycle and pop it into a bread pan, let rise, and bake. (typically a 1 lb loaf bakes at 350 for 35-40 mins for me). Basically my bread machine is more like my kneading machine, lol!

    Good luck!