Need Help

I'm feeling very discouraged right now. I'm up 5 freaking pounds this week, which I believe are from TOM, but I'm really not sure. Since I started MFP in July I have not had a month where I've gained this much during this time. I am so horribly bloated that even my waist is up by 1/2 inch from where it was almost a month ago and most depressing of all I took my measurements about a week ago and was down 1.5" from where it is now.
Here's why I'm not sure if it's from TOM. I have upped my calories since the beginning of the year, my goal is 1800 a day. I was NETTING an average of 1400-1500 but upped that this past week so now I'm averaging a NET of 1700 daily. Also I wear an HRM when I work out and burn massive calories. Depending on the routine anywhere from 500-750 in 30-60 mins. I worry about if this is accurate. All my info is in there correctly, but when I use an online calculator or even MFP's database my burn is about double what they say it should be. I do work out hard, and push myself to the limits, I finish a workout exhausted and sore (both in a good way) I work with a PT, take a weekly Boot Camp class and do Kickboxing 2x a week. All of these incorporate interval training but during high periods my HR is in the 160-170's with lows in the 130-140 and breaks in the 120's. I'm in the gym 4-6 days a week.
My diet is not the cleanest, but I do make mostly healthy choices, eat whole grains & lean meats. I stay away from fast food, except for Subway but again, healthy choices. My sodium is high, but has been since day 1. I drink a ton of water at least 114oz a day. I do not drink soda or alcohol. I feel like I'm doing everything right and working my *kitten* off, so it's very discouraging for the scale and measurements both to be going in the wrong direction.


  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    How long has it been since you upped your calories? Sometimes is just takes a while for your body to adjust to haveing more fuel. My suggestion would be to stay with it for a couple more weeks and then re-evaluate. Also, drink a TON of water to help with the awful bloating we all hate so much! DEFINATELY don't lower your calories until you've given your body a couple weeks to adjust. It's common to gain a little at first everytime you up your cal, then your body will most likely adjust. TOM is probably making the change seem worse.
  • my2boiz
    my2boiz Posts: 89
    I'm in the same boat. I havent gained any this week, but I haven't lost any either. A couple weeks ago i did have a 2 pound gain and i was furious. would love to hear what people have to say about this. don't give up! I took a couple days off of working out and my body dropped the weight. Maybe you need a small break? Switch a few things up. I'm on a 1200 calorie so i cant say anything about the food. Good luck to ya!
  • jude7701
    jude7701 Posts: 23
    Please don't get discouraged! First of all, because you are working your tail off, it could be muscle...which is a good thing, because it will kick your metabolism into high gear! As far as your sodium, try eating more foods rich in potassium, to try to balance that out. And put your salt shaker in the cupboard where you can't see it! =)
    I have days where I feel really bloated, too- I think part of that is just being a woman. I found the days I feel that way if I completely go nuts with fresh fruit and veggies, the next day I feel less bloated, and more like myself.
    But overall, I have the same issues with burning tons of calories and not seeing the results that people seem to think I should. Even my doctor didn't believe I was working out as much as I said until she got my bloodwork! Let me tell you, I am healthy on paper- my cholesterol is super low, my sugar is good- but when I look in the mirror, I get frustrated, too!
    I don't know if this will work for you, but I stopped weighing myself. I get weighed when I see the doctor, of course, but other than that I gauge my success on how my clothes are fitting. My weight fluctuated so much I would get discouraged and give up! So I stopped checking it.
    Hope it helps, and keep up all the good work! Don't let a bad weigh-in get you down! You can do this!
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    How long has it been since you upped your calories? Sometimes is just takes a while for your body to adjust to haveing more fuel. My suggestion would be to stay with it for a couple more weeks and then re-evaluate. Also, drink a TON of water to help with the awful bloating we all hate so much! DEFINATELY don't lower your calories until you've given your body a couple weeks to adjust. It's common to gain a little at first everytime you up your cal, then your body will most likely adjust. TOM is probably making the change seem worse.
    In December I took a rest from calorie restriction and did maintenance for the whole month at 2000 calories, surprisingly I still lost about 3lbs that month. In Jan I went to 1500 for about a week at the end of Jan I started meeting with my trainer and he told me he didn't think I was eating enough so I upped them to 1600, after about 2 weeks he again said he felt I needed to eat more so I upped them to 1800, but was only netting an average of 1500 daily. It's maybe a week since I upped my net to 1700 daily.
  • Jamiewoodle
    Jamiewoodle Posts: 100 Member
    How long has it been since you upped your calories? Sometimes is just takes a while for your body to adjust to haveing more fuel. My suggestion would be to stay with it for a couple more weeks and then re-evaluate. Also, drink a TON of water to help with the awful bloating we all hate so much! DEFINATELY don't lower your calories until you've given your body a couple weeks to adjust. It's common to gain a little at first everytime you up your cal, then your body will most likely adjust. TOM is probably making the change seem worse.
    In December I took a rest from calorie restriction and did maintenance for the whole month at 2000 calories, surprisingly I still lost about 3lbs that month. In Jan I went to 1500 for about a week at the end of Jan I started meeting with my trainer and he told me he didn't think I was eating enough so I upped them to 1600, after about 2 weeks he again said he felt I needed to eat more so I upped them to 1800, but was only netting an average of 1500 daily. It's maybe a week since I upped my net to 1700 daily.

    Sound like your trainer knows what he is talking about. You will most likely have a clearer view on it in a couple weeks. Hang in there! Don't give up, the scale will eventually start moving the right direction again :wink:
  • pabocat
    pabocat Posts: 10
    You have really have worked hard, don' cut calories.but maybe cut some salt use down.IT might be water weight. Don't give up :flowerforyou:
  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I havent gained any this week, but I haven't lost any either. A couple weeks ago i did have a 2 pound gain and i was furious. would love to hear what people have to say about this. don't give up! I took a couple days off of working out and my body dropped the weight. Maybe you need a small break? Switch a few things up. I'm on a 1200 calorie so i cant say anything about the food. Good luck to ya!
    I took 3 days off from the gym last week to deal with some family stuff. I actually thought that may have contributed to TOM being so bad this month.