cheat days



  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I started cheat days after reading a book called "Body For Life" by Bill Phillips. This book is extraordinary, and it's the basic building blocks for what later became P90X and all it's different variants. He strongly encourages a cheat day, as long as you stick to your diet and exercise routine 6 days a week. it's the first I had heard of this and I love the idea. It works too because you don't feel like a tight *kitten* all the time. You can cut loose once in a while. I like to use my cheat days for summer bbq's and things like that. Typically, during summer when I'm more socially active, my cheat day will be Saturday. But, if not, then it's Sunday.

    The key to success here is to not be ridiculous about it. Just be cool and normal. If you want pizza, have a slice or two and don't worry about it. But, don't eat an entire pizza. If you want ice cream, have a scoop, but don't get a giant banana fudge Carmel swirl double chocolate explosion. Just be cool about it, but enjoy it.
  • steffihoney
    steffihoney Posts: 392
    I have a cheat meal on Fridays. It is my son's day to pick dinner, and not a healthy choices from him. lol But occasionally I allow myself what I want. Noone is perfect.

    But I like what I am hearing about plateaus because I am stuck on one. Hopefully today's cheat meal is what I need to boost start the metabolism.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    For me, cheat days were my downfall. I try to have small indulgences each day within my calories or if I go over my calories I just let it go.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I cheat once a week for a social meal/drinks out but I also tend to save my exercise cals through the week for my 'cheat' meal. I've done this for nearly a year and it's worked perfectly for me. Infact I'm having one and curry here I come! : ) xx

    I never exceed my weekly net cals though.
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    I call mine "treat days". I weigh in on Tuesday mornings, and the rest of the day I eat whatever I want. I know that sounds gluttonous but actually it's getting to the point now where I no longer crave EVERYTHING bad. For example, this past Tues. I had my treat day, and by the end of the day I was feeling blah and discovered all I really wanted was a big sandwich and fruit! :noway: I do find that my treat day keeps me from binging throughout the week. I've even kept a list of foods I want to "save" for treat day. It all keeps me sane and it's working for me. I do know the scale goes up right after, but then it goes back down since I'm back on track by Wednesday. It works for me.