To A Healthier US! March Challenge TGIF 3-2

Yesterday’s Stats: 3-1
Name: Angel
State I am from: IL
Lbs. to lose on Challenge: 10.0

1. On plan (Y/N)- Y
2. Calories Eaten: (1200) 1699
3.Calories burned for week - 318
4. calories burned for day- 318
5. calories used for day/week – 499
6. Weigh in Day- Sunday
7. Starting challenge Weight- 218.6
8. Current Weight- 218.6
9. Challenge weight loss total- 0/10
10. Challenge goal weight- 208.6
11. Daily victory (big or small)-
12. Exercise Challenge- 00;58

Good Morning,
Yesterday was one of my more challenging food days. I have girls night out every Thursday night. Some of them are easier for me than others... one of my problem area's right now is stopping eating when im satisfied..... I know when im "done" and i always end up eating 4-5 more bites..... then i always feel to full..... So this is what i will be working on during this challenge.

Have a great day