meals for one

lsilly15 Posts: 137 Member
I am going on a diet by myself... which means my husband can enjoy whatever he wants haha! My downfall, Im not much of a cook and i dont want to rely on those lean cuisine with all the sodium..

Any suggestions for quick, healthy meals for one? Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner would be great!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Check this out. Good luck.:drinker:
  • Kattarra
    Kattarra Posts: 190 Member
    Breakfast is easy. Steel cut oats, eggs, turkey bacon, ect. For lunches I usually make up a big pot of soup, white bean chili, or a casserole and freeze in individual serving sizes and grab one as I'm heading to work. There are thousands of healthy recipes out there that don't taste like diet food that your husband will enjoy also. Check out
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    There are hundreds of books and websites available for this situation... you just have to find the right one that suits what your needs are.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    To be honest, I'm not much of a cook either, but you just find healthy recipes and ideas on the internet and follow them. You change a few things to make them lower in sugar, carbs and fat, but higher in protein.

    For Breakfast I enjoy Omelette's. Make sure you use less yolk's and more egg whites though. Egg white is pretty much protein which are good for increasing your muscle mass.

    You could also try fat free yoghurts with low sugar fruits such as berries. Certain breakfast cereals that are low in sugar. I tried Ready Brek this morning with sliced banana, I will replace the banana with some berries when we get some to make it lower in sugar. I added Sweetener because it apparently doesn't taste very nice on it's own (says my Mom lol).

    Lunch, you could try sandwiches on wholemeal bread. Lean meats with vegetables. Could have eggs if you wanted to instead? Stir Fry's without the sauces with rice noodles. Or just have Vegetable and Fish without the Noodles. With stir fry's, don't use the fatty oils, I use spray oil which has little to no calories and the food still tastes great. Jacket Potato with veggies, lean meats. Hold the butter and salt though. You could have some low fat cheese with that Jacket Potato as well. That's what I enjoy.

    To be honest, you can eat whatever lean meats, eggs, vegetables/fruit for any meal of the day just make sure it isn't all processed, high in fat, sugar, carbs, etc.

    With cooking, it's really not that hard. This is coming from someone who had trouble boiling an egg. I now cook my own breakfasts, lunch's and dinners. I've baked oatmeal cookies a few times as well and they are pretty good. I also enjoy making chicken burgers with sweet potato fries for the family and me. The burgers taste like mcdonalds chicken sandwiches, if you have tried them before and I love them.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Breakfast: Two eggs scrambled with a little bit of parmesan and mushrooms or peppers or spinach (or whatever veggies you would like to put in there) cooked in a little olive oil. Coffee with a splash of vanilla soy milk. Lunch: There are a lot of soups that are not too many calories, make your own salad and only use 2 T of dressing, pita with hummus, ONE roll of sushi that is not drowned in sauces or tempura or wrapped in another layer...

    The other day I made a salad with shrimp, spinach, red pepper and onion with Newman's own Soy Ginger dressing. Very tasty. I'm not a big cook, I'm more of an assembler. Sometimes I have those Simply Asia microwave bowls or a Healthy Choice Mixer. Greek yogurt is VERY filling and low-cal if you get the fat free kind...hope this helps...
  • lsilly15
    lsilly15 Posts: 137 Member
    thanks everyone!!!!