Getting a 4 month old rescue German Shepard pup



  • 600racer
    600racer Posts: 149 Member
    4 months old is THE best age with puppies, in my opinion. I foster puppies and 4 months old is my favorite age. They catch onto house training quickly, they have developed some personality and they are just plain fun to be around.

    There is no reason to not give them people food or treats as long as the food isn't too high in fat, sodium or toxic to them.

    I don't buy into the whole "show them who is the dominant one" whooey either. As long as you train them and teach them what you do and don't want, they will will be fine. Dogs are dogs, not humans. They don't spend their days plotting how to take over your house. They like routines and thrive when you can follow them. Walking in front of you or going out the door in front of you doesn't make them more "dominant" or the "alpha".

    Dogs are born with a pack mentality. If the owner does not, in the dogs eye, take the role as leader, the dog will. It is very easy to do with just leash training. Once the dog realizes who is in charge they are more eager to please the leader.
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Sorry no suggestions for you but congrats on getting him. he is beautiful! Always loved the GS's. Good luck with him. :smile: