Doing everything right and not losing an ounce!



  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hmm after seeing your diary..I understand that you work etc but perhaps being inconsistent with logging is the issue...some of your days are low calorie and some you have nothing in place you could be missing bits and pieces which could very well be causing a delay in weight loss.....try taking two weeks and really stick to logging everything and see if you get a loss then....if so then you know what the culprit is....also do you use a HRM when working out? if not MFP is more than likely overestimating your burn
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    Are you sure you have 8-10lbs to lose? I just got BBL DVD, and I am telling you, you are going to build up your butt and leg muscles. So, that is going to offset any fat that you lose.

    If you did not have a scale and you just looked in the do you look? What do you look like you weigh? I know that I am 10-15 lbs (depends on the day) more than what I was years ago, but I am wearing the same size clothes. If I focused only on the number on the scale, I would be frustrated...but I have a lot more muscle now then I did at 118!

    All of this advice is sound advice too. You and I are in our 40s, so I have heard it can be more dificult. Check your thyroid too, that could be an issue. For me, I have to eat less carbs than I did in my 20s and 30s. I try to consume around 100/day
  • PurpleLadyZ
    PurpleLadyZ Posts: 5 Member
    I don't see where you answered if you've taken measurements, if your clothes are fitting differently and if you've had your body fat measured - you know, with calipers. it could just be that you've gained lean muscle mass and you're at a low body fat percent which makes it difficult to lose the last however many pounds.
  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    Good for you for doing the right things! You may not have the reward of weight loss now, but in time, it will come. Let your reward be that you KNOW you are doing the right things for your body! You are healthier for everything that you do, regardless of the weight. I'll bet your measurements would have changed if you tracked those. It's frustrating, but stick with it! And congrats! :)
  • 0AmyMarie0
    0AmyMarie0 Posts: 315
    I would add more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods. I would also log more consistently (I've logged food every day except 2 in the 65 days I've been on here) Increase your water intake, lower your fat intake, and watch your sodium.
  • julekinz
    julekinz Posts: 80 Member
    I've been warned that when this happens it's good to eat red meat for a couple days...:smile: Hope it helps, I haven't gotten that far yet.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I see your calorie goal is 1200. I think you may have some success if you raise it to between 1400 and 1500 a day believe it or not. I know it is hard to wrap your head around, but it really does work.

    I was not having any success at 1200 per day then I raised my calories to 1400 and started losing .4 lbs a week, and they were my last 5 lbs for a 43 year old to lose. I hit my goal on March 23rd, that is when I took this profile picture.

    Eating back exercise calories also helps a great deal.

    Give it 3 weeks, trust me, it really does work.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    You should try to be more consistent when it comes to logging into your food diary, maybe the answer to your stagnation is in the days that you don't log.
  • Have you considered the fact you might be at the right weight? You say you don't have much to lose, I wonder if you can learn to love what you see as those extra ounces. You sound fit and healthy and if your BMI is in the right range then ask yourself if you can be happy as you are? If not good luck!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    OK My food diary is public. I recently went back to work, so I don't get in there everyday, but it should give a better idea of how I'm eating. I probably drink more water than I record because I always forget that part in the food diary. For those of you who've asked, my measurements have changed a little. I've lost 8 inches overall in 3 months. I just keep gaining and losing the same 4 pounds.

    Are you under more stress and/or getting less sleep than usual recently? Stress and lack of sleep can cause us to hold onto weight.....just a thought.
  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    I have the same issue. Turns out my hormones are out of whack. Go get checked out by a doctor.

    I have thyroid issues and have regular bloodwork, is that the hormone issues you refer to? If not I'll have to ask my endocrinologist at the next spot, cause I'm 'stuck' too:( what did they do for your hormone issues? I'm taking a synthroid now. And of corse it doesnt help dealing with 'almost' menopause!