I am in need of help!!

So I have been working out pretty good for the last 3 weeks and eating right. I do have my cheats once a week. I have only loss 1.5 lbs so far. I am starting to get discouraged. I feel stronger as though I'm building muscle. What can I do to burn more fat and actually see some results? I am 5'2 and at my last weight in 152, 31 y/o. I want my body back and my life back. I'm trying not to focus on the #'s on the scale, but more my body. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i'd say that is normal. i am also 5.2 and i only loose 2lbs a month. i totally understand how you feel, i have wanted to throw in the towel twice now. 4 month and only 8 lbs total.. i figured it was never going to be this hard to loose 10-15 lbs.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Don't sweat the weight #s.

    As you are working out. Take what ever you are doing and get a baseline measurement. Reps per time, distance run, duration of time for a specific exercise, etc, etc. Then every week or so, take another of the same measure and see how you have progressed.

    Another way is to take body measurements. Same as above check every week or so and see the improvement.

    As for burning fat. Do regular cardio workouts, drink lots of water and keep your sodium below 2000mg per day. I am no professional but this is the recipe that worked for me.

    Best of luck!
  • henderson_4
    henderson_4 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for your responses! ;)
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If you want to burn fat, build muscle. Minimize your calorie deficit to allow your body to get additional fuel and don't worry about the scale. Since muscle is more dense that fat, the more you have, the smaller you are. I always suggestion figuring out your TDEE and back off 20% for a caloric deficit.
  • henderson_4
    henderson_4 Posts: 16 Member
    What is TDEE?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    What is TDEE?

    Sorry, it's total daily energy expended. So BMR is your metabolic rate or the amount of calories you would burn if you slept for 24 hours. TDEE is calories you would burn on top of that (eating, going to the bathroom, exercise, making food, etc..). So based on your information you provide your estimated BMR is 1358. Now lets say you work behind a desk so we would consider you sedentary. So with no workout your TDEE = 1358 * 1.2 = 1622. This is the amount of calories you would burn every day. So to lose with you would form a deficit. I generally suggest 20% as it helps preserve muscle mass a bit more and the 500 calorie rule doesn't always work for people. That means your caloric needs = 1297 (1300 calories a day). Now lets say you workout for an hour and burn 400 calories, so your TDEE would increase. = 1622 + 400 = 2022. So from there we add a deficit of 20% to equal: 2022*.8 = 1617. This means you should be eating 1600 ish calories a day to lose about a pound a week. And since you aren't very far from your goal, this is a good amount of calories for you.

  • wolfehound22
    wolfehound22 Posts: 859 Member
    Make sure you take measurements and a few pics, if your noticing muscle gain now that could be the biggest issue with no minimal weight loss. You will be surprised how much of a difference u will see from pics. This year ive lost 7 lbs, but 4" including 1.5 in my waste, which makes me happier then what the scale says.
  • Shelby814
    Shelby814 Posts: 273 Member
    Your food diary is closed so I can't see it. Also, you didn't say what type of exercise you're doing, for how long & at what intensity. Add me if you'd like & I'll try to help you. :)
  • rawardle
    rawardle Posts: 5 Member
    Don't get discouraged. Just change things up. What are you doing for exercise? Maybe add more cardio and get your heart rate up for longer. Take a close look at your diet and make sure most of your calories are good calories. It isn't just all about calories but eating clean. Best of luck and don't give up.
  • henderson_4
    henderson_4 Posts: 16 Member
    So 3 days a week I do TBC. Chest, back, shoulders, bi's and tri's. Then mon-fri I do abs and cardio. I use cable machines and free weights. I have recently started doing kettlebell workouts. I've been uping the intensity of my cardio. I usually stick to elliptical since the treadmill hurts my knees. I also play floor hockey on sundays in a 30+ league. Most sundays I will do cardio that morning also.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    So 3 days a week I do TBC. Chest, back, shoulders, bi's and tri's. Then mon-fri I do abs and cardio. I use cable machines and free weights. I have recently started doing kettlebell workouts. I've been uping the intensity of my cardio. I usually stick to elliptical since the treadmill hurts my knees. I also play floor hockey on sundays in a 30+ league. Most sundays I will do cardio that morning also.

    Based on that you are very active which means

    TDEE = 1358 * 1.725 = 2342 * .8 = 1874. So on average, you should eat around 1900 calories a day, even when you don't work out. I include exercise into the TDEE calcuation as opposed to the eating back exercise calorie rule and then I suggest monitoring progress over weeks.
  • henderson_4
    henderson_4 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks, sounds like I may need to change my calorie intake.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Thanks, sounds like I may need to change my calorie intake.

    How many calories are you eating?
  • henderson_4
    henderson_4 Posts: 16 Member
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator

    And that is why aren't losing. BTW, when you increase your calories, do it slowly. Start off by eating 1500 for a few weeks and then increase to 1900 the follow. It will allow your body to adjust more.
  • henderson_4
    henderson_4 Posts: 16 Member
    ok and I have just unlocked my food diary
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    ok and I have just unlocked my food diary

    Ok, you have a lot of carbs and not a lot of protein. Adjust your ratios to have 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat. That is a bit more balanced. Also, get more lean meats in there.
  • henderson_4
    henderson_4 Posts: 16 Member
    ok and I have just unlocked my food diary

    Ok, you have a lot of carbs and not a lot of protein. Adjust your ratios to have 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat. That is a bit more balanced. Also, get more lean meats in there.

    What should I be eating as far as lean meats. I eat fish and chicken. Can I eat lean ground beef?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    ok and I have just unlocked my food diary

    Ok, you have a lot of carbs and not a lot of protein. Adjust your ratios to have 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat. That is a bit more balanced. Also, get more lean meats in there.

    What should I be eating as far as lean meats. I eat fish and chicken. Can I eat lean ground beef?

    You can eat all the above. I also eat ground chicken and turkey. Feel free to look at my diary for examples. Egg's are great too.