New to group an may need support.

MNguerita Posts: 198 Member
Hi all,
My name is Joyce and I am new to the group. I have been overweight most of my life, but I now find myself at my heaviest weight ever. It didn't bother me much, because I still considered myself in good health and prided myself in at least not having to take any meds. Well that all changed last week when I went in for my annual exam and found out I now have high blood pressure, which is not surprising with all the work and home stress I have been experiencing lately, and my doc has now put me on meds for that. And my lac of activity I am sure has not helped any. In the past I have found success when going to the gym regularily and logging my food, so I am giving my fitness pal a chance to at least keep me accountable with what I am eating and hope in conjunction with that, motivate myself to get back into going to the gym regularily. I don't have internet access at home currently so not sure how often I will get on socially, but will try and be religiuos about getting my food logged during my breaks at work and would appreciate any motivation/helpful tips/recipes etc for a busy working mom. Thanks! :flowerforyou:


  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    All the best in your journey.

    I have found MFP to be an ecellent tool to log food, motivate me to exercise and track my progress. The support it gives is invaluable too.

    Feel free to add me if you would like the support.

  • Terree83
    Terree83 Posts: 93
    Hi Joyce - welcome to MFP! I agree with Steve; this is an absolutely fantastic tool! If you truly track everything you eat and drink, it's rather eye opening as to much how you're putting in your body.

    Being able to track not only calories, but sodium (will help out with your HBP), fiber intake, etc., along with how many calories you burn when exercising is beyond valuable.

    Feel free to add me if you need some extra support. Best of luck on your journey!!
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    Everyone needs support and this is a great place to come.

    Feel free to add me.
  • Dimplybutt
    Dimplybutt Posts: 123 Member
    I arrived in MFP 2 weeks ago at my heaviest weight I'd EVER been and trying to stop being in denial with regards to that weight gain, the lack of exercise and the bad eating habits I've gotten over the years. I've never had the incentive or self-control to succeed with losing weight, eating properly, exercising and taking proper care of myself but when my boyfriend approached me worried about my health and worried that I'd become like HIS Mom, who gained weight and subsequently found herself with diabetes because of it, that's when I realized I had to do something.

    Only I can make the decision to do this but is all of my friends, my family, my in-laws and all of the NEW friends I am making in here that keep me going and give me that incentive to keep going. The people in here are great!

    Do the best you can, log all that you eat (and be honest about it cause you are only lying to yourself if you're not and then you will be bound to fail), log all the exercise you do ... if you have a cell-phone MFP has an app that you can log in through your phone and enter everything through that as well.

    But don't feel like you are alone in this journey and don't doubt yourself ... believe in yourself. :smile:

    Add me if you would like, I'm always in and out of the site cheering people on and wouldn't mind having you to cheer on as well. :flowerforyou: