Starting P90X, looking P90X (or similar program) friends are

reztib Posts: 151 Member

I am making a commitment to losing weight AND keeping it off. At 36 years old, I am going into law enforcement so I need to be fit for safety reasons. Cops aren't usually fat (at least when they are first hired). I have a lovely wife and two beautiful daughters (5 and 3) who also are giving me reason to say enough. I want to lead for my family as an example of health.

My addiction has always been food. I have started to recognize that specifically the last month. I committed to my lifestyle by not having free reign and not doing really any exercises but watching my caloric intake and have lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks. I started off at 261.2 and as of this morning my weight is 247.2.

I am ready to kick into overdrive and starting P90X Classic next Monday and commit to all 90 days. After that, maybe going through it again. After that, who knows, maybe P90X Doubles. I may be "dieting" and exercising right now but I am really committing to a lifestyle change. My goal weight is either 180 or 175, not sure which yet but I am setting it for now at 180. After the first 90 days through the P90X program I hope to be at 200.

I have battled weight pretty much my adult life. I have had three periods in my life where I have had significant weight loss (30+ pounds) but it always came back. No more. I have had enough. I am also on which seems to have better tools for exercise and allows more customization. Have been on it for several years off and on. I like both DB and MFP for different reasons but enter info can be a pain.

I would like being friends with people on MFP who are trying to lose a lot of weight (50+ lbs) on P90X or a similar program. Met a few already. I wish you all the best in health and happiness.


  • wolfehound22
    Awesome to see your already loosing weight. You'll enjoy P90X (once the pain stops :))

    On a side not, try not to focus too much on your weight when starting, a lot of people either gainweight, or maintain there weight during the first few weeks since it is such an intense workout.

    Also try and set a short term goal, focusing on a bigger number can be daunting, maybe just 10 pounds at a time.

    Good luck.
  • brett1117
    brett1117 Posts: 208
    GREAT to hear!!! p90x/X2 are the BEST at home programs!! I've been doing both systems for couple years now!! I HIGHLY recommend buying Select tech dumbbells..They're about 400.00 including the stand..I'm a Police Officer too!! Congrats on starting the program!! STICK to it!! I guarantee you will lose 25-30lbs in 90 days!! follow your nutrition plan to the "T"...DO NOT cheat!! you can do anything for 90 days
  • pm86
    pm86 Posts: 1
    I purchased the Insanity DVD and really enjoyed it.

    Got about 2 weeks in, and was feeling really flexible and stronger, then broke my ankle in a freak accident.

    Moved house shortly after, and haven't got the space to start it back up.

    But it was great - really pushes you, and as far as I know PX90 is similar in motivation.

    Good luck!