Savannah, Georgia?

Hi Ya'll! (I'm from Long Island and might be saying that real soon!)

My husband put in a transfer with the post office to go down to Georgia. New York is too expensive. We have 3 kids and a house that we work our *kitten* off for and we still struggle. Bottom line: We want a better life for our kids. We originally were looking into Charlotte, NC area, but there are no openings there. He noticed one day an opening in Statesboro, GA and I said just put in for it. Why not?

We looked at the area online and researched the schools. We like Guyton and the school district is Effingham County.

We know NOBODY in GA and are looking to live in a community. How do you like living in Georgia? Know anything about the schools? We won't hear until next week if he gets the transfer, but if he does we will be moving down there this summer.

Any comments at all (good or bad) will be greatly appreciated!!!!