reaching my goal weight seems so far away



  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    I started the day after Christmas and I have longer to go than you -figuring I'll reach my goal somewhere between September and November. BUT, I've had so many great things happen in these last 2+ months. I'm down 2 jeans' sizes and have the next two lined up to shrink into, I feel so much better, too!

    Remember, it's not like you'll be the same weight, same weight, same weight, BOOM! Goal in July! You'll have many happy victories to celebrate along the way. Just take it day but day and slowly you'll see how they add up and you're doing great!

  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I wish four months felt like a long time to me, but it feels like the blink of an eye! Trust me, it'll go by so quickly. It's already been two months since New Year's.
  • maryellen8301
    maryellen8301 Posts: 100 Member
    Set a few more goals for yourself. For example, maybe set a goal weight for the end of March, or say - "I'm going to go to the gym this many times between now and April 1" or something like that. That way, you see more success in between now and July.

    For me, I NEED to see myself as successful, otherwise I give up. So setting more "mini goals" helps in that area.

    Agree with ^ mini goals.. i have at least 3 mini goals before my final.. you can do it
  • successiswithinme
    successiswithinme Posts: 91 Member
    I set small weekly goals for myself. One week its cut down on processed sugars, one week maybe eat more veggies, another week aim for x number of minutes of exercise for the week etc....a week at a time gets me more foucsed on what my needs and goals are
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Life isn't on hold until you reach your goal. You keep living it, and you'll feel better and look better along the way. If you're anything like me, even with the goal in close sight, it loses its significance. I've done so much since I started on MFP that it's been one crazy accomplishment after another. My goal weight isn't the end-all, it's just yet another step in being a healthy and fit person. The end weight is merely a goalpost, and you've got a really fun game to play until then. Enjoy it.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    Focus on smaller goals outside of the weight. I know it will take me most of the year to reach my goal. But I can set other goals that are reachable. I have mini targets. And I also have workout goals and fitness goals. Also mini challenges to keep me motivated along the way.
  • I've been following you and I think you're doing great. I struggle with binge eating too and I know that feeling overwhelmed by goals can be a trigger for just giving up and bingeing. Don't let the goal be a source of stress. You are learning more every day and you are growing to understand yourself better. That's what matters. You will reach the goal. In the meantime, be proud of each new day as you overcome the desire to binge. I have been home sick for 3 days and all I can think about is eating while I sit here trapped and unable to exercise. I'm kind of freaking out cuz my metabolism was just starting to speed up and now I can feel it slowing down again. Makes me want to give up and binge. I want to really bad. But I'm not. I've worked too hard. So hang in there because your struggles with food are helping me with my struggle. We will get there!