STILL trying to understand projections

At the end of yesterday, I had 240 calores left. Yet when I "completed" the entries for the day, the message read that I would be 30% under my weight loss target in 5 weeks. I'd read that the program "penalizes" (for lack of a better word) undereating as much as overeating, so, I ate a protein snack that is 245 calories...just to see what would happen. Doing so put me over my target by 5 calories, which the app. then calculated as me falling short of my 5-week target by 50%!

Today, I wanted to see what it said after my afternoon snack, and it indicated I would be right on target for 2 lbs lost per week. (Keep in mind that I have been losing about 10 lbs/month for the past two months.) Then I entered today's weight (a few tenths of a pound less). Based on this lower weight, it now indicated I would fall short of my 5-week goal by about 20%.

Once I ate my dinner today, I had just 24 calories remaining. When I completed my day on the app., it now read that I would miss my 5-week target by 60%.

Can ANYONE make sense of these predictions?