Im seeking a certified fitness trainer for tech info


I want to create an accurate fitness calculator for push-ups based on age and actual push-up body weight. The current fitness test for push-ups is age based only and I believe that is not a fair assessment.

Example Fitness Test: 20 push-ups.

Joe Bloggs (25) 220Lb's (push-up weight: 176Lb's)
Adam Bloggs (25) 150LB's ( push-up weight: 120lbs)

From the above example it is very clear that 176lb's is a serious weight to be lifing 20 times compared to 120lb's.

I would like to collaborate with a Certified Fitness Trainer in this forum to calibrate the push-up expectations between people of the same age with different body weights.

The age based fitness test only works when people are the same age and body weight.

If you are interested leave a message or email me.