whey and bowel movements?



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Depending on when a person started dieting ( or changing their food habits is a better term) could also answer the multi poo issues.

    If a person that has had a long term diet high in residual sugars or sugars they could have been feeding Candida (yeast). Once we go off the sugars and replace them with deep green leafy veggies and coloured veggies we then reduce the amount of sugar in the digestive tract for the Candida to feed on.

    Then the Candida dies. The waste caused from this death is toxic and causes gas and rumbly gut and looser stools from softer and more plentiful re occurances to diarrhea. Once the Candida is out of the system the symptoms usually stop.

    Only you know how long you have been on a low sugar lifestyle. If it is recent think Candida, if it has been a while since you ate lots of sugar then figure you are not handling the whey. Rice protein powder is a good alternative if you feel you must use them.

    I started cutting calories and eating veggies a long while ago but up til a few days ago still had iced coffee (30 grams of sugar) plus sugar in tea and oatmeal... could this be why? :S
  • This comes from web MD:

    Whey protein is LIKELY SAFE for most adults when used appropriately. High doses can cause some side effects such as increased bowel movements, nausea, thirst, bloating, cramps, reduced appetite, tiredness (fatigue), and headache.

    Being a clean food eater myself I stay away from it and if you are having this reaction I would recommend that you stay away from it as well. Do your research!
  • memega
    memega Posts: 73
    ... as soon as I finish drinking it I am running straight to the bathroom to take a number two. And am taking 3-4 numbers twos per day, compared to the one per day I used to have. Has anyone else had this problem?

    I am not lactose intolerant.

    I had the same problem but with a twist - happened when I switched from ON 'whey to egg' protein supplement out of curiosity. First few days I didn't know what was wrong. But the day I switched egg with whey, it vanished!
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member

    not sure if your snark is helpful to the OP's original point . . . which indicates that SHE is having a problem, but I'm delighted it works for you.

    No "snark" intended... just offering different points of view other than jumping immediately on the "dairy is evil" bandwagon. Whey protein does not necessarily indicate lactose issues. It could very well be that her body is just not used to getting such large amounts of protein, hence her issues.
    BIGJIMMYU Posts: 1,221 Member
    Stop putting milk in your protein shake. I use one scoop whey, one cup frozen berries, one cup of sugar free juice or unsweetened pineapple juice. When I cut out the milk(which you don't need anyway) it halves the calories and easier on the tummy.