Any Pregnant Women Trying To Lose Weight?

I'm eating between 1300 and 1700 calories a day, I'm 12 weeks pregnant and have the consent of my Dr to continue on my weight loss journey. Is anyone else in my same shoes, being pregnant and watching closely what they eat?


  • nzjeni
    nzjeni Posts: 1
    Hi! Yes I am also. I'm 11 weeks pregnant and aim to continue with my healthy lifestyle and eating habits throughout my pregnancy. This website is excellent for making sure my diet is balanced and that I'm getting enough - and since using it I've been feeling even more healthy! I think I'm aiming for 1500-1800 a day with exercise and feel that is a good amount. If I maintain or lose a little more weight I'll be happy, and obviously I expect to gain baby weight (I've had some friends shocked that I'm not just eating whatever I want at my whim!)

    My midwife is totally behind maintaining my weight and even a touch of weight loss throughout, so long as I'm eating the 'right things' and tracking it somehow. She seems to think this will be helpful when breastfeeding as well - to make sure we're getting enough calories.

    There is a lot of evidence supporting gradual weight loss through pregnancy - it reduces risks of high blood pressure, diabetes and other complications in late pregnancy. Of course it's all in moderation and this site is fantastic for that!

    How are you finding it? And are you feeling good? :-)
  • Aphrodite3010
    Aphrodite3010 Posts: 65 Member
    Well I gave up for about a month and a half after losing 15 lbs but I'm trying to get back on track. I eat 3 meals a day and have two snacks and try and drink tons of water! I'm trying to stick around 1600 calories a day and not eat too much junk. I'm 5'6" and weigh 250 right now, and my OB said she only wants me to gain around 10 lbs and is just fine that I maintain my calorie intake with the hope of losing between 15 to 25 more lbs by September. I've found though that since I'm used to eating a whole lot less that when I do eat a lot, I physically get ill so couple that with the morning sickness and nausea, I just would much rather eat less.

    I'll agree that my friends often just tell me "You're pregnant, eat whatever you want!" But I dont want to let it get out of control, I do have my weak moments when all I want is Fritos or something like that but I usually try to make a trade for that. I was only on 1350 a day and just couldn't do it. I upped mine to 1600 and I think that will be a whole lot easier for me to maintain.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Ugh I hate the 'youre pregenant eat what you want' attitude. It's not healthy for you or your baby.

  • Aphrodite3010
    Aphrodite3010 Posts: 65 Member
    Yeah I dont like that attitude either, I tried really hard to eat healthy last time and it just didn't last very long and I didn't gain too much weight but I didn't like my body after I gave birth either. I lost 40 lbs in 3 weeks, which a lot was from the baby but I also rarely ate because I was so busy. However after I returned to work, I gained it all back Needless to say it was depressing to become pregnant again and at the same weight I was when I was full term with my son. Hopefully I've learned my lessons and don't repeat my mistakes.
  • CReinisch
    CReinisch Posts: 5 Member
    I'm not pregnant yet, but we're starting to talk about it. Just out of curiosity, is there a setting on here where you can put you're pregnant and have your calorie goals be adjusted based on that? Once we do start trying and I get pregnant, I don't want to completely lose track of things, but not sure what would be the correct calories without being too little/too much.
  • cartea01
    cartea01 Posts: 156 Member
    There isn't a setting for pregnancy as far as I'm aware. I started my journey in December with ~28 pounds to lose and with the long term goal of being in the best shape I could be BEFORE getting pregnant. It's not always possible, time isn't always on your side to lose the weight first, then get pregnant but if you have the time, I recommend it because it's better for you and your baby. New studies in epigenetics suggests that a mother's diet while pregnant can significantly impact on her child's future health. Most of these studies are in their infancy but there's enough there to concern me about dieting while pregnant. If I still have weight to lose when I get pregnant I will do it through exercise only. Current recommendations are that pregnant women in their first trimester should eat maintenance calories then at 200-300 calories per day in their second trimester and then another 200-300 calories in their third. I hope this helps. (I've lost 21 pounds so far so it is possible!)
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Congrats on the pregnancy! I am newly pregnant (5.5wks) and just set my food settings to maintain my current weight. I am not trying to lose weight while pregnant, but I want to keep a healthy lifestyle so after delivery I can get back on the lose weight bandwagon. :smile:
  • Cynzilla
    Cynzilla Posts: 4
    im just over 5 months [regnant with my third bebeee--
    I increased my calories but no there is no MFP setting... i was in the best shape ive ever been right before we conceived and now i am 12 lbs light at 19wks with this child than with my other two-- i had a rough first trimester of eat my armitis if youd let me

    i just got back on track the last 10 weeks and it feels great my energy is back and i feel good when i go to bed not all weighed down with a days worth of bad decisions...

    I eat around 1500 a day give or take 200 and it is working for me :)