I just feel so discouraged



  • ozzcrow
    ozzcrow Posts: 7
    I totally get what you are saying. I can usually lose a pound per day. I still get discouraged. I'm starting all over again.... I previously lost 80lbs and then got pregnant. I was really depressed, and gained it all back. Staring over stinks!!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    25 lbs since Mid-Jan is good. You just have to learn to not be so hard on yourself...If you are constantly being negative on yourself, you will never be able to move forward successfully. Just go day-by-day & cross your fingers. :)
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    You just can't think about your goal....but what you have done, and what your working for the next week.
    You have done a wonderful job. Every pound you lose is like a pound of butter off you!! 25 pounds is alot of fat to have gone!!

    Congrats : )
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    If you are discouraged after losing 25lbs in 6 weeks, are you going to commit suicide when you hit your first plateau?? Holy crap, be proud of what you've done! Take measurements, pictures... This is a lifelong battle, not an instant fix, although you've done really well so far.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    it's going to take time but you'll be AMAZED where you are this time next year. Gotta just stick with it. One of my MFP friends lost 158 lbs in a year. Not overnight or 90 days and not done with her journey yet. She's still eating right & working diligently at being fit.
    THAT'S your goal. to be fit & healthy and a healthy weight will follow naturally

    Good luck- we're here for you
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I feel the same way. I've only lost 25lb so far & can not seem to get past that at all.... no matter how hard I push or punish myself. I'm now so totally run down & down on myself that I was prepared to give up today. All it took was a fight with hubby.

    I still have about the same amount to lose as that I have lost, but I can't seem to get into doing it.

    I've been told it does get better....... but I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo hungry.
  • CareyGay
    CareyGay Posts: 10 Member
    I understand what you mean. I've set the goal of 100 lbs, by the end of the year. I've lost 9 so far, but I feel like it should be more. I'm improving in other areas, I can go up the stairs w/o panting and pausing halfway up.

    Last weekend, I went to the park with my family. My goal was to walk a mile in less than 20 minutes. I didn't even make it half way around the path before I had to sit down. Ended up sitting down 3 times in the one lap and a total of 14 minutes for one lap. (3 laps 1.25 miles). I was so upset and just wanted to give up.

    The next day I felt better and went to the gym then came home and did my first biggest loser workout. I've done well most of this week. I think these days that we're so discouraged are good for us, they make us fight for what we really want. I want to be healthy and to be able to keep up with my family when we go walking at the mall or at the park.

    Each of us can do this!!
  • gwenette
    gwenette Posts: 39
    I know exactly how you feel!! But with me its like i lost 6lbs and it took a month i had a couple of bad days got on the scale and it was back up like four lbs!!! Im so ready just to give up!! BUT last night i got back on the treadmill and i'm determined to continue to try!!! Its just so hard when it takes months to lose it and literally takes like two days for it all to be back on!!!! HELP!!!!!
  • Love0491
    Love0491 Posts: 8 Member
    I just want to thank everyone who replied for their support. When I posted I had no idea so many people would respond or how much better it would make me feel. I'm really just left speechless.
  • Love0491
    Love0491 Posts: 8 Member
    Let's do the math. In six weeks you have lost 25 pounds, right? You want to lose 150 pounds, right? So, since January you have lost one sixth of the weight you want to lose.:bigsmile: THAT IS FREAKING AMAZING!!!! :smokin: Tell those voices in your head to shut up.:noway:

    I think this is one of (if not THE) best piece of advice I've ever been given.