Getting the balance right...

I've been pleased with my start to the year/start with MFP - since starting on 9th Jan I've lost 11kg/24lb and chalked up my first NSV by comfortably downsizing to my smaller (36" waist) suit and a smalller collared shirt :D

I am now torn with the best way to maintain my progress whilst on holiday...

I'm about to head off for 2 weeks skiing and snowboarding and don't expect to have easy access to scales, as well as the obvious distractions of going on holiday and wanting to relax and enjoy it.

Now, in my calorie deficit favour, I am very much of the 'first lift', stop briefly for lunch, ski brigade and typically squeeze in as many runs as I can during the day. However, I'm also typically there at 'last call' as well....(normally vodka soda rather than beer though).

At the moment I'm feeling for many reasons I should just switch off, not worry about anything, and enjoy my holiday - I should be burning enough calories on a daily basis to keep me within reasonable limits even if I do enjoy dinner/drinks. However, I'd be curious to hear how others have dealt with situations like these - I really dont want to come back to find I've put 5kg back on!

Perhaps the answer is simply MFP...and allow myself to eat back exercise calories, with a tolerance of 10% over ? It's going to be a challenge without any moral brother and his girlfriend will be there but they are both in need of MFP support!


  • deejay7806
    deejay7806 Posts: 165 Member
    well from what u have said... think being quite active will deffinately help...think i would just go for healthier options in food.... also check to see if skiing is an excersise logged here.... then u could see what u would be burning dring the day might give u some idea..... theres nothing worse than going on hols n worrying about what your eating and drinking... hope ya have a gud holiday :-)
  • jeyko
    jeyko Posts: 368 Member
    You can take us with you for support!! And by us, I mean MFP. I had the same quandary last summer for our vacay. I might not have been able to log in everyday, but when I did it gave me an idea as to whether or not I was still on track.
  • You burn hundreds of calories skiing!!! Last time I went I ate pretty much what I wanted and drank every night and still came back loosing 4lbs and more toned. Don't worry and enjoy your holiday!!! x
  • hippychickuk
    hippychickuk Posts: 93 Member
    You may not have access to a scale, but what about a belt that has close holes? I know it's not as accurate. :) But I can always tell when I'm overdoing it because my belt gets a little tight!
  • The belt tip is a good one - wearing a belt today at the tightest of it's 'settings', with two well worn extra inches visible where it was being worn just 2 months ago. I can equally visit the local stores on a daily basis and check whether I'm getting closer or further away from fitting into some 34" jeans...

    Thanks all for the support and suggestions.