Training for a Marathon (hood to coast)

I am running in the hood to coast this year with a team. I have question for all you marathon runners, I would like to know how long before a marathon should I start really training. What kind of training should I do? What kind of snack should I eat before running my 3 legs? Advice please


  • trlrnrgrl
    trlrnrgrl Posts: 80
    How long before the race to train: it depends on your current fitness level and how much running you've been doing (or not). If you're starting straight from the couch, you'll need to give yourself more time. If you're already able to run 10 miles (for example), you'll need less time.

    What kind of training: check out a few plans on line to get started. You might end up doing something different, but these plans will give you an idea of what to expect. There's Hal Higdon and Galloway as two examples. Also check out the Runners World website - they have marathon training plans and also really helpful forums. They have a marathon forum where you can get tons of info as you go along in your training.

    Snacks: it's all trial and error. Everyone's stomach is different as far as what they can tolerate. And everyone's calorie needs are also different. But in general, you can try eating one gel for any run longer than about 60-90 min, then a gel every 30-45 min thereafter. That's just a starting point - some people need more gels (calories and electrolytes) and some need fewer. You can also eat pretzels, crackers, tortillas, m&m's, oranges if you don't want gels.

    These are just some general suggestions and ideas to hopefully get you started. Good luck and have a great time! It's such a beautiful area!
  • sunshine83777
    The race is in Aug I have about 6 month. Thank you that's very helpful information. Appreciate your time, will definitely check those websites out. :happy:
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Training for Hood to Coast (or any relay) is different than training for a marathon.

    I would probably work off a half marathon training plan for starters and then take your mileage up a bit. You'll likely be running three relay legs in less than 24 hours, so you need to run some doubles (run in the morning and again in the evening) in preparation. Then follow up your double with another run in the morning.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • sunshine83777
    Yes, that's right. I will be running 3 legs in less than 24 hours. "mother of all marathons" first leg 7.04(moderate) miles, 2nd leg 5miles (moderate), 3rd leg 7.72 miles (hard). Hardcore run, what a challenge for me. I'm a pretty good runner and workout everyday, but this is going to tough!!! Thanks for your helpful advice. Appreciate it. :smile:
  • Daisy_Cutter
    I've run H2C and it's a blast! I agree with the posted who said to run some back-to-backs.... That's the BEST way to train for this. In fact, do a couple really late night runs followed by no sleep and then another run. LOL - this is exactly what you'll be doing. You're going to have a great time!
  • kimbux
    kimbux Posts: 154 Member
    Training for Hood to Coast (or any relay) is different than training for a marathon.

    I would probably work off a half marathon training plan for starters and then take your mileage up a bit. You'll likely be running three relay legs in less than 24 hours, so you need to run some doubles (run in the morning and again in the evening) in preparation. Then follow up your double with another run in the morning.

    Good luck and have fun!

    Best Advice! Definitely need to string some runs together within hours of eachother. Good Luck and Have fun!!
  • willismack2
    I did similar training for Wild West Relay. Run several triples Example: Mid Afternoon, again around Midnight, and again about 6am the next morning. Also, figure out your night running with headlamp, etc. Good Luck.
  • Tribbey143
    Tribbey143 Posts: 388 Member
    I'm trying to join a team if you know a team looking for a runner please give me their info!
  • sunshine83777
    .........well we're out 2 team members, and my brother was looking for some peeps(2), but don't know if he found 2 more runner's. I'll send him a txt and ask him and let you know.......maybe you can join our team.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I am running in the hood to coast this year with a team. I have question for all you marathon runners, I would like to know how long before a marathon should I start really training. What kind of training should I do? What kind of snack should I eat before running my 3 legs? Advice please

    Start training immediately, don't wait and leave it until nearer the time.