Great North Run (half marathon training)

Im doing the bupa great north run in september and was just wondering if anyone else on here is doing the same run :)

Also i have never ran a half marathon and was looking for some training help. I have just had a long rest from running outside due to shin splints so i havent ran outside since december. I dont want to over do it again! so any help would be appreciated!

Thanks! :)
You can add me aswell i like making new friends on here!


  • scweegie
    scweegie Posts: 59
    Oh good question. I don't have all the anwers, but I too had shin splints. I am also training for my second half on St. Pat's day.

    I guess the main thing is to start slow, don't over do it. Sounds like a nice break for resting the shins. I would also pick a training plan, there are many out on the internet. If the half isn't until september, you wont have to start training until July or so. If you just ran a mile or so now, you could gauge where you are now.

    Good luck, take your time. Life's a (half) marathon, not a sprint
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I followed this 12 week half marathon training program for one I did last year. I'm training for another in mid June. Good luck! Hope it helps!
  • Maamalade
    Maamalade Posts: 5 Member
    I'm running the Great North Run too this year, also my first half marathon.
    Like yourself I have been on and off with running for about a year now, but am recently recovering from pnemonia so not back running till next week.
    The training plan I have put together for myself is looking at what distance my long run will be on a week by week basis (to follow), then to do a couple of smaller runs through that week aiming to do one of them as a fartlek run (changing the speed through the run) and then the other depending on how I feel. I aim to have my shorter runs as about 40 & 60% of my long run, but will see how that goes.
    For the long run, I have worked out that the distance is 21.1km (can't work in miles). So this week I aim to do 5k, next 8k, then 10k, staying at 10k for 3 weeks then adding 1k per week to 15k again staying there for 3 weeks, then add 1k per week to 20k, stay there for 3 weeks then adding 1k till covered distance.
    With this means I will have run the distance by mid July - before I go on holiday. While away will do some training to maintain fitness but not covering distance, then when I get back it is 6 weeks to the race. I plan to cover the distance once or twice once back then taper off ready for the race 28 weeks tomorrow!
    Don't know if this will help you, but it's what I'm planning :happy:

    Good luck with the training and the run
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Have you been properly measured for the running shoes that are right for your feet and gait? If not, I suggest you start there. Go to a reputable running store. They'll measure your feet and analyze your gait. They'll have you try on several shoes and run in each. While you're there, get some good socks. They're worth their weight in gold, too.

    Get to know Hal Higdon or Jeff Galloway. I use Hal Higdon, but Jeff Galloway's training plans are good, too.

    The Great North Run is not on my To Do list. I'm running half marathons in each of the 50 states. However, once I get those out of the way, I'm going to do one on each continent. Most likely I'll choose Italy for my Europe half. I've never been there and I loooove wine.

    Good luck on your journey! But be forewarned ... it's addictive.
  • Maamalade
    Maamalade Posts: 5 Member
    I went to sweatshop to get fitted for my shoes :smile:
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    I'm running the Great North Run too this year, also my first half marathon.
    Like yourself I have been on and off with running for about a year now, but am recently recovering from pnemonia so not back running till next week.
    The training plan I have put together for myself is looking at what distance my long run will be on a week by week basis (to follow), then to do a couple of smaller runs through that week aiming to do one of them as a fartlek run (changing the speed through the run) and then the other depending on how I feel. I aim to have my shorter runs as about 40 & 60% of my long run, but will see how that goes.
    For the long run, I have worked out that the distance is 21.1km (can't work in miles). So this week I aim to do 5k, next 8k, then 10k, staying at 10k for 3 weeks then adding 1k per week to 15k again staying there for 3 weeks, then add 1k per week to 20k, stay there for 3 weeks then adding 1k till covered distance.
    With this means I will have run the distance by mid July - before I go on holiday. While away will do some training to maintain fitness but not covering distance, then when I get back it is 6 weeks to the race. I plan to cover the distance once or twice once back then taper off ready for the race 28 weeks tomorrow!
    Don't know if this will help you, but it's what I'm planning :happy:

    Good luck with the training and the run

    Thanks you too! 28 weeks is terrfying! I go on a girls holiday to Ibiza in Aug for a week then I'm going to leeds fest. I'm thinking ill have to take my trainers with me haha! I have been doing a lot of interval training to keep my fitness levels up so im hoping that when i do get back outside i can still run! I'm going to work with smal goals becuase the big picture seems extremely overwhelming!
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    I went to sweatshop to get fitted for my shoes :smile:

    ME TOO! :happy:
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Have you been properly measured for the running shoes that are right for your feet and gait? If not, I suggest you start there. Go to a reputable running store. They'll measure your feet and analyze your gait. They'll have you try on several shoes and run in each. While you're there, get some good socks. They're worth their weight in gold, too.

    Get to know Hal Higdon or Jeff Galloway. I use Hal Higdon, but Jeff Galloway's training plans are good, too.

    The Great North Run is not on my To Do list. I'm running half marathons in each of the 50 states. However, once I get those out of the way, I'm going to do one on each continent. Most likely I'll choose Italy for my Europe half. I've never been there and I loooove wine.

    Good luck on your journey! But be forewarned ... it's addictive.

    That is an amazing goal! I just need to get this one out of the way! I started for the charity aspect of it really but i figured running will keep me in shape, make me lose weight and make me feel amazing when i cross the finish line! :)
    I have been fitted for shoes. managed to get some in the after christmas sales for £90, still expensive but well worth it!
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I'm going to research into these training plans a little more and see what suits me best :) I'm so excited to become a proud runner instead of an injury prone girl!
  • Maamalade
    Maamalade Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I'm going to research into these training plans a little more and see what suits me best :) I'm so excited to become a proud runner instead of an injury prone girl!

    Go for it, I know I can't wait to get back out and start my training.
    What sort of time are you aiming for?
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I'm going to research into these training plans a little more and see what suits me best :) I'm so excited to become a proud runner instead of an injury prone girl!

    Go for it, I know I can't wait to get back out and start my training.
    What sort of time are you aiming for?

    I actually havent thought much about it! Just to get over the finish like in one peice. My ex best friend did it in 2hrs 46. So the competitive person inside me wants to do better... but ill see how i go! What about you?
  • Maamalade
    Maamalade Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I'm going to research into these training plans a little more and see what suits me best :) I'm so excited to become a proud runner instead of an injury prone girl!

    Go for it, I know I can't wait to get back out and start my training.
    What sort of time are you aiming for?

    I actually havent thought much about it! Just to get over the finish like in one peice. My ex best friend did it in 2hrs 46. So the competitive person inside me wants to do better... but ill see how i go! What about you?

    On my application I have put 2 hrs 30, but that's based on my current pace, I'd love to cross the finish line in sub 2 hrs but just crossing the line will be the biggest acheivement for me. My 2 cousins are running it too, but they are both blokes and so much quicker than me :)
    Got my place running for charity so feeling really good about not just the personal achievement but also to raise some money for a great cause, should be a brilliant day :)
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I'm going to research into these training plans a little more and see what suits me best :) I'm so excited to become a proud runner instead of an injury prone girl!

    Go for it, I know I can't wait to get back out and start my training.
    What sort of time are you aiming for?

    I actually havent thought much about it! Just to get over the finish like in one peice. My ex best friend did it in 2hrs 46. So the competitive person inside me wants to do better... but ill see how i go! What about you?

    On my application I have put 2 hrs 30, but that's based on my current pace, I'd love to cross the finish line in sub 2 hrs but just crossing the line will be the biggest acheivement for me. My 2 cousins are running it too, but they are both blokes and so much quicker than me :)
    Got my place running for charity so feeling really good about not just the personal achievement but also to raise some money for a great cause, should be a brilliant day :)

    I got mine for charity too. Im doing it for Muscular Dystrophy cause im a carrier! But theres s many charities i would like to run for. Im going to have to apply for more!
  • Maamalade
    Maamalade Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I'm going to research into these training plans a little more and see what suits me best :) I'm so excited to become a proud runner instead of an injury prone girl!

    Go for it, I know I can't wait to get back out and start my training.
    What sort of time are you aiming for?

    I actually havent thought much about it! Just to get over the finish like in one peice. My ex best friend did it in 2hrs 46. So the competitive person inside me wants to do better... but ill see how i go! What about you?

    On my application I have put 2 hrs 30, but that's based on my current pace, I'd love to cross the finish line in sub 2 hrs but just crossing the line will be the biggest acheivement for me. My 2 cousins are running it too, but they are both blokes and so much quicker than me :)
    Got my place running for charity so feeling really good about not just the personal achievement but also to raise some money for a great cause, should be a brilliant day :)

    I got mine for charity too. Im doing it for Muscular Dystrophy cause im a carrier! But theres s many charities i would like to run for. Im going to have to apply for more!

    Sounds like we have so much in common, back from injury, first HM, running the Great North Run, and running for charity because we suffer from the condition the charity supports!

    Roll on a brilliant run, the first of many :tongue:
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone. I'm going to research into these training plans a little more and see what suits me best :) I'm so excited to become a proud runner instead of an injury prone girl!

    Go for it, I know I can't wait to get back out and start my training.
    What sort of time are you aiming for?

    I actually havent thought much about it! Just to get over the finish like in one peice. My ex best friend did it in 2hrs 46. So the competitive person inside me wants to do better... but ill see how i go! What about you?

    On my application I have put 2 hrs 30, but that's based on my current pace, I'd love to cross the finish line in sub 2 hrs but just crossing the line will be the biggest acheivement for me. My 2 cousins are running it too, but they are both blokes and so much quicker than me :)
    Got my place running for charity so feeling really good about not just the personal achievement but also to raise some money for a great cause, should be a brilliant day :)

    I got mine for charity too. Im doing it for Muscular Dystrophy cause im a carrier! But theres s many charities i would like to run for. Im going to have to apply for more!

    Sounds like we have so much in common, back from injury, first HM, running the Great North Run, and running for charity because we suffer from the condition the charity supports!

    Roll on a brilliant run, the first of many :tongue:

    Ill drink to that! :drinker:
  • ktbia
    ktbia Posts: 118 Member
    Ditto on the shoes!

    I want to recommend Jeff Galloways plan. I am training for a half now, its in less than 2 weeks.

    Jeff's plan is longer, I think 16 to 18 weeks, but you only run 3 time a week. This is a lot easier for me to maintain, especially since I work full time.
    I have had 0 injuries and I have completed each week, its very doable!
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Ditto on the shoes!

    I want to recommend Jeff Galloways plan. I am training for a half now, its in less than 2 weeks.

    Jeff's plan is longer, I think 16 to 18 weeks, but you only run 3 time a week. This is a lot easier for me to maintain, especially since I work full time.
    I have had 0 injuries and I have completed each week, its very doable!
    that sounds good for me because i think my problem is that i over do it when i get into it because i have to 'beat' by time/distance the day before!
  • kryptonitekelly
    kryptonitekelly Posts: 335 Member
    I've done this twice before :D:D!
    Didnt get in this time and too busy to go with a charity and raise funds
    Also done the bupa winter 5 k twice :D
  • Hi, I've just found out I've got a place with The British Heart Foundation, so so pleased :)
  • Laura_amie
    Laura_amie Posts: 30 Member
    Hi, I've just found out I've got a place with The British Heart Foundation, so so pleased :)

    Well done! :) i need to start getting sponsors!