I don't want to be fat anymore!!!



  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Go to tools and figure out your BMR. You should NOT be eating under that amount of calories and you definitely are. You need to eat more :) I know it seems like eating more couldn't possibly help you lose weight, but I know plenty of people who made that mistake and ended up not losing.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I think you are on the right track! I saw this saying that was something like "it takes four weeks for you to notice a difference, and twelve weeks for everyone else to see the difference"... it's totally true. The results will not happen overnight and you will feel like you are working out to NO effect, but don't give up!!! Track your measurements, not just pounds on the scale. Sometimes your difference will show in inches, but you probably won't notice it without measuring (I was SHOCKED one time, I hadn't lost a single pound in forever and I was feeling HORRIBLE about it and then I looked at my measurements and I had lost a full inch off my hips. I was like, screw the scale, I'll take it!!!).

    As for changes to your current plan, I think you are doing great... but if you wanted to eat back half of your exercise calories that would probably help you (worked for me) and also try lifting heavier weights. That actually helped me a LOT. Strength training is what really kick started my weight loss... I know cardio is what burns fat, but I think there's a threshhold where it just doesn't do that much for you until you build your muscles. I didn't do anything that intense, I just did my Jillian Michaels videos with 8 pound weights instead of 3s. I had sore muscles, but I saw results FAST. I definitely don't look overly muscular or bulky either, just strong in a good way and leaner (I had been a little worried about that, because I didn't want to start looking manly).

    Also, a really yummy blog where you can get good recipes for low calorie food that feels like you are cheating but you're not:

    Best wishes to you!!!
  • epye
    epye Posts: 15 Member
    Looks like ur doing good.. Only thing I would suggest is cutting some bread and cereal....

  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Well, I think you can totally eat Chick-fill-a and Digiorno and still lose weight. I eat fairly clean about 85% of the time and have regular splurges and am losing just fine.

    I suggest you take some time to read through the stickie threads at the top of this forum. There's a lot of good information in there that might answer some of your questions and give you some ideas.

    I hesitate to tell people what to do because we all have different paths to weight loss success. Here is what works for me. YMMV.
    * keep carbs on most days to 80-100 grams, but allow occasional guilt-free splurges over that
    * zig-zag my calories throughout the week with a weekly calorie target instead of a daily one, allowing me to have splurges at social events, restaurant meals, etc., without going over my deficit and without making me feel deprived
    * eat a treat if I want it, just account for it in my food diary
    * eat clean most of the time and enjoy guilt-free splurges
    * eat enough protein and healthy fats. I aim for about 120 grams protein and 60 grams fat daily. Hardly ever hit the protein one but I'm working on it
    * do heavy weight training twice a week, full body, preferably compound exercises and free weights
    * mix up the rest of your exercise with mostly interval training and some steady-state cardio doing things you enjoy. I rarely do the same thing more than 2-3x in a month. Just do what sounds fun, challenging and fits into my schedule that day.
    * set your daily calories to your BMR and eat your exercise calories on top of that but you don't have to eat them all on the same day (see zig-zag above)
    * try to get in your vegetables and some fruits, eat full-fat versions of things as the low-fat options are really less healthy. In other words, real foods not frankenfoods
    * titrate down your weight loss goals as you are losing, i.e. if you have 75+ pounds to lose, aim for a 2#/week weight loss, 50-75#, aim for 1.5#/week, 25-50#, aim for 1#/week, less than 25#, aim for 0.5#/week. This allows you to keep eating a healthy enough amount of calories to keep your metabolic furnace burning and to get to your goal eating in a way that's sustainable for life
    * practice flexible dieting, i.e., it's OK to take a diet break once in awhile, maybe for a day like on Thanksgiving and Christmas, or for a week or two while on vacation. This doesn't mean you have to gorge yourself but just enjoy some splurges and don't worry about things for awhile. Some experts advocating taking full breaks for dieting for a week or two every few months. It can be a good thing.

    Those are the main things that pop into my head. Some of it might work for you, some not.

    ^^^^^ Love this post.
  • Pugluvr1
    Pugluvr1 Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with the person who mentioned getting your thyroid checked.
    Please don't get discouraged. Even if you aren't losing weight the most important thing is to live a healthy lifestyle.
  • funkycamper
    funkycamper Posts: 998 Member
    Lots of great suggestions here. Well, except for the "eat your exercise calories back" ones. I just don't agree with that. The whole point is calorie deficit. If you eat back the calorie deficit you've created, there is no more deficit. It's your choice of course. Me personally, I don't lose weight when I do that. I just maintain.

    More protein, more water, more veggies, less sugar, etc. These are all a great!

    I wish you lots of luck! It's not an easy journey. But you can do it.

    If these changes don't work (and maybe even in the meantime) why not go to your doctor and have your thyroid checked just in case? Many people have a hard time losing weight due to thyroid issues.

    I think it's probably way to early to worry about checking the thyroid.

    And if you think eating back exercise calories erases your deficit, you are misinformed and don't understand the way MFP is set up. If, for example, you tell MFP that you want to lose 1# per week, it gives you a deficit of 500 calories per day (3500 per week) before you have done any exercise. Now, let's say you exercise a lot a burn an average of 500 calories per day through exercise, now you are in a 1000 calorie deficit per day (7000 calories per week). So, if you eat back that 500 calories you burned through exercise, you are still at a 500 calorie per day deficit (or 3500 calories per week).

    And, unless you are very obese (a good 75# over your goal weight or more), you shouldn't be trying to lose as much as 2# per week as that will probably result in way too much loss of LBM (lean body mass) which is the muscles you need to keep your metabolism burning hotter and to make you look better once you've lost the layer of fat over them.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Interval training is supposed to be great for fat loss. During cardio, do some sprints mixed in with your regular routine. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred is also good for interval type work.

    Yep!! Interval and sprint training (especially hill sprints) have melted the fat off me and its not just the calories burnt during *the exercise* its the epoc after!! The post exercise oxygen consumption!! Your body burns heaps of calories just to get itself back to normal homeostatus after you complete your workout. I do HIIT and sprint workouts 4 times per week and on the other days a more moderate type of excerise such as cycling or slow jogging.
  • I would honestly recommend that you meet with your primary care physician and talk to him/her about what you can do, get some labs done to make sure it's nothing like diabetes or thyroid issues, and go from there.