Finding it hard to stay social while staying on track..



  • natacha305
    natacha305 Posts: 117 Member
    Don't have a problem with it, just wonder if I'm the only one?

    Listen up girly, your are NOT ALONE. I dont have any friends that dont drink. Maybe a few but nobody wants to do physical activities for sure. if not they have like 821728273 kids and no baby sitter.

    i usually never have a babysitter, but what i did was just give up trying to "hang" with friends at the bar, too much fried food temptation.

    I just made new fitness friends. but even now we dont hang as much either.

    sometimes i work out like a maniac hoping i have enough extra calories to party (go out to dinner or have drinks at a bar)

    but i gave up, my work outs are no match for the calories from alcohol. theres like a million

    I cant help with any actual good advice but I just want you to know you are not alone.
  • AnarchoGen
    AnarchoGen Posts: 400 Member
    I think once they see how dedicated you are, it will get them thinking about their choices! You might find a few in the group that will do it with you :)
    I was hanging out with a new group of friends since I've moved... when I told them that I entered a competition and trying to win money so I could give to charity, they have been nothing but supportive in my journey. Actually a few of them are taking the time to plan ahead and make better choices. We still go out once a week and spend time together throughout the week. I am a pretty social person. It feels great to interact with people in person rather than through a computer screen. As long as it's a positive experience of course.
    I'd rather do my gym time alone though, having someone else around is distracting and slows me down. I'd love for my husband to go with me though, to make sure I'm using proper form and to spot me when I need it.
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    Wow, thank you guys for the support.
    I was dumped last week for not being physically attractive, and some 'friends' don't want to associate anymore because I've 'just become single'.
    It's frustrating and if I'm not at the gym or at work, I'm in bed.. overthinking everything.

    I know it'll get better, at least I'm not eating my emotions(even though I want some ice cream right now).
    Just feel so lonely lately, and less food in me makes for an emptier feeling /:
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    if your friends don't support you - then you need new friends. I'm not sure how old you are, but as I've grown up I've realized this. You don't need people in your life that bring you down or distract you from your goals. I have kind of stepped away from some of my old friends and made new friends that support me, my lifestyle, and also have similar interests.
  • BodyUnderConstruction
    Oh yeah! I'm a senior in high school so NONE of my friends understand. Everyone in class gets big honkin chocolate cake, I pass and eat a carrot stick. Want to go out? Sure! I'll be late because I need to workout and then I'll order a salad.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    You can still diet and be social. The way to do this is to change your eating patterns. If you're planning to go out with friends to a restaurant or to the bar, you should have built in a calorie deficit which allows for such eating/drinking either the day of or across a weeks time.

    I'd say that most people who are in great great shape and are serious about their fitness goals are not going out and partying all the time and if they do, they are doing something along the lines of what I mentioned above.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    I think that you shouldn't isolate yourself because you are losing weight. This is a lifestyle change! This is how you will be living for the rest of your life! Are you going to isolated for the rest of your life?? Nooooooo!!! lol Just incorporate your healthy lifestyle into your old life.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Socializing can be a challenge to eating healthy. Start my making a list of restaurants that have appealing options that are within your calorie budget. Then, when your friends want to go out, make that suggestion.

    Or, have people over to your place so that YOU are in control of what is served. When I have guests I do homemade soup, gourmet salad, fresh veggies with hummus (or jalapeno yogurt dip). When my mother in law comes to gatherings she brings Texas Caviar which is healthy and fantastic!

    If you are going out for drinks, get the most bang for your caloric buck: an ounce of hard alcohol (rum, vodka, etc) typically has fewer calories than the lightest beer.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Yeah, I completely understand. Some of my friends have made really rude & mean comments about the new choices I make when ever we are out.

    When I decided to tell my best friend about my success so far she just said, "Oh, I didn't notice. Your face is still chubby!"

    She was just trying to joke but it still stung pretty bad :-( But I have learned just to brush it off.

    And as some other people have said if your friends aren't supporting you then you need new ones. Also, if your boyfriend dumped you for not being 'physically attractive' then he wasn't the right guy for you! But I don't know why he dumped you! Your gorgeous! Just stick to it and remember you have a lot of people on here that believe in you :)

    Keep Calm and Carry On,
    Anna :)
  • craigers13
    craigers13 Posts: 241 Member
    I think everyone is probably in the same boat. As for my friends and coworkers, they have all been really supportive. I still like to go out to social functions and whatnot, but for me it's just about making the right choices. I drink the low carb beers (Canadian 67 is the best IMO) and just try to make better food choices.
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    That is what I love about MFP...I heard another user say we all need to move into a town together and support one another, YOu can bet that water would be served at the local "watering hole" a whole lot more than booze and instead of a jukebox in the corner, you would see a stairmaster or a treadmill and the crowd would cheer you on to your goal!! I am thinking this sounds mighty fine! Let's do it! LOL
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    You guys are really making me smile the first time in days (: thanks.
    feel free to add me, i'm always up for conversation!
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    oh my goodness yes i do. I have this good friend and she wants to go eat and to the movies with popcorn and then some shopping. I have messed up twice now, well made not so good choices, and i have to make myself choose better. I don't want to sit home all the time. When it gets nicer outside i'm going to ask her if she would like to go for a walk at the park before we hit the movies or eat.