How can I reboot my metabolism?



  • trysha1231
    trysha1231 Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you all so much for your information. And CNTL-ALT DELETE had me LOL for real.

    I have been measuring my food with a scale and with measuring tools this last week. I drink about 64 oz of water, and I only drink water and or coffee.
    I have beed staying away from processed foods (I cheated last night and had some pizza!) and have stuck with making all my own meals, ground turkey, quinoa, eggs etc as well as 1% milk with Syntrex protein to up my protein intake each day. Today and tomorrow I am going to 'go easy' on myself and not be so strict, then jump back to work on Monday with a new eating plan that will include some more complex carbs and still more lean protein.
    The good news is, that even though the scale has not moved I can see a slight difference in my body and some muscle tone, so I am hoping that I have increased my muscle and that is a part of the scale not moving.
    Just FYI - I am a former weight loss surgery patient, I was once 268 lbs, at one time I was down to 125, and maintained between 130-138 for the last five years. It has been this past year that my weight has creeped up on me and I am very scared of going back to how big I was. I want to make sure I change for life and stay healthy for my family.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    I actually said that out loud before opening the topic ~~~~~hilarious

    I was thinking push the on button and hold it for a while. Sure, it takes longer, but you want it to really work, right?
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Weight loss doesn't happen in a nice straight line, ie: every Tuesday before weigh in, 1 pound goes poof! :wink:

    How do I know this? I learned it the hard way. I spent 8 months jumping from one calorie goal to another, changing workouts, eliminating this food or that one, all to no real avail. What I finally figured out is body ain't special. It works like all the other ones, and if I'm 100% sure I'm eating at a deficit, there WILL be a weight loss. See, our bodies HAVE to have XXXX calories to function and if we don't give them that much, they will take it from our fat. Eventually. My body (and a lot of other bodies) lags behind the deficit. So lets say I "should" have lost 1 pound one week, based on my deficit, and 1 pound the next week and 1 pound the week after. My body holds on as long as possible before utilizing the fat, so this loss I "should" have is not reflected on the scale. 2-3 weeks later, the scale FINALLY drops and it drops the whole 2-3 pounds. This is called a "whoosh".
    So now, I stick to the plan. I weigh and measure and log everything and do not have unbridled cheat days (I have rare days I eat at maintenence, which is good enough for me). And I wait for the scale to catch up. And it always does. I do not undereat either, this isn't a race, it's a marathon. Pace yourself and create good habits that will help you maintain the right weight when you get there.

    Patience, patience and patience. :flowerforyou:
  • cowgirlslikeus86
    cowgirlslikeus86 Posts: 597 Member
    I lost 10 lbs the first week then gained 3 back for 2 weeks. I had to mess around with my calories befor I found out that just adding 50 calories daily plus eating my exercise calories back was my magic#

    I have done two Very Low Calorie Diets(VLCD's) and have a slight metabolisim issue too. Don't worry. Just try something different for 2 weeks and if it doesn't work try something else. Put your scale away for that duration and only weigh once a week. My sister(Who is doing this with me) had the same plateau issue. I told her to up her calories from 1200 to 1500 and it made a huge differance for her.