Crying in the gym!



  • nutandbutter
    After my grandfather was diagnosed with lung cancer and told he had 3-6 months to live, I would cry every time I ran. I could ignore the situation and push down all of my feelings any other time. I always had to face the truth when I ran though.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I spent the three weeks prior to my full marathon at the hospital helping my father die. We buried him then I headed to packet pick-up two hours away. I literally picked up my packet in my suit (Although I did change my shoes ... so yes, black suit and tennis shoes. I didn't want to walk around Chicago in 4 inch heels.)

    So, the day after I buried the only man to truly love me unconditionally, I ran 26.2 miles. I got through 24 without tears. The last two miles were just more than I imagined they would be. I sooo wanted to show him my medal. It was kind of our thing ... I'd do a half marathon, then swing by his house and show him my medal.

    Crying ... pffft ... bring it on. It helps. Hell, I'm crying now ....

    Off to get Kleenex.
  • Keladry
    Keladry Posts: 58 Member
    I used to cry all the time when exercising (at home, thankfully) but I was also depressed so not sure if that counts. It wasn't a happy/proud crying anyway. I also cried once during a massage, and that was a release of tension kind of crying.
  • raevynn
    raevynn Posts: 666 Member
    Endorphins also cause me to cry.

    It has nothing to do with "how you are feeling"... it is a physical reaction to the release of endorphins into the system. A reflex.

    I will cry from happiness (happy endorphins), I sometimes cry from orgasm, and I will occasionally cry from anxiety (some other brain chemistry chemical reaction... can't think of the name... um, adrenalin? yeah, I think that's it). It's a reflex, not a reflection of your emotional "state"

    Here's to many happy tears! :drinker:
  • lmalaschak
    lmalaschak Posts: 346 Member
    My questoin is, "why" did you cry? You never said why... Were you happy, or disappointed?

    If you are a girl, you do not always know why you are crying. Sometimes you do not even know you are going to do it. It may sound odd to a man, but for a girl crying does not always flow from an emotion that you are aware of. It just starts. We're made that way. Sorry... :)
  • Oo_BrookeNicole_oO
    My questoin is, "why" did you cry? You never said why... Were you happy, or disappointed?

    One valuable bit of information about girls: sometimes we just don't know why we cry! Haha I know it sounds odd, but it happens.

    I agree that the hormones released from your workout probably triggered it. I wouldn't stress about it. :)
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    After I'd been going to the gym for about a year, I was caught off guard by a woman who came up and complimented me on how I looked and told me she thought I was doing such a great job and to keep it up. I didn't even know her and had never spoken to her at all, so it was really out of the blue. As I continued my workout, I just started crying with emotions, tried to block it out, but finally gave up and went to the locker room. I guess it was a NSV, but truly shook me up and made me happy I was being noticed. It's funny, because most of the time I feel invisible in the gym, and none of the younger patrons even look my way. That day, I felt I was on a stage.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    This is a really neat topic. I was out doing day 3 of my first week of c25k today and I was running one of the intervals and I just started feeling so 'wow i'm actually doing this and keeping up with it' and right afterwards a lady walked by pushing a gentleman in a wheelchair. You could tell his legs were severely crippled, and the lady herself was even leaning to the side and limping and she pushed the wheelchair uphill. I just felt a wave of grateful emotion come over me that my body is healthy, and functions well. I'm so thankful.
  • jenncaroon
    I have run 7 marathons and have spent a portion of the last couple miles crying in each of those races. Part of it is the emotion involved in accomplishment. If you are accomplishing things in the gym you never imagined possible, this is a very appropriate response. So work away and cry away! Be proud!
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Not a damn thing wrong with that. Not one damn thing.

    I cried the first time I could do spin without problem. Just a tear, not a flood. But this is an emotional journey. You push your limits in a very intimate way. No one wants this as much as you do!

    Not a damn thing wrong.
  • DreamiJeani
    I cried at the end of my second 10K. I went into this weepy story of how my sister gave me a hat to the lady cutting my timing chip off lol. The best way to describe the feeling is that I got a personal record and I was so proud of myself for accomplishing something after all this hard work is that is just overflowed out my eyes.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    It's ok! I've had a couple times the past few years where I cried in the gym...

    1) Disappointment...I had a sprained ankle and was in the middle of training for a race, I hated my ankle being completely useless, and holding me back. All I could do were weights, and just watch the others do what I wanted to do. Or, I just simply gave up during a workout.
    2) Proud...I made it through an intense workout, or I was amazed at what I had just completed.
    3) Stressed...Days where exercising is the last thing I want to do, I was exhausted, I was sick of being healthy all the time, and in the middle of my workout, everything comes to me at once and I just break.

    It doesn't happen often, but ever since I've started working out regularly (a little over 2 years now), I've had a couple days like that. :) But...I've had happy tears! The end of my first 5K I ran, I cried in my car, and the moment I crossed the finish line of my first half marathon, I teared up as they handed me my medal.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    this is funny, in a good way, after I exercise I always smile, almost always, I'm usually very happy, it's the endorphins I'm sure
  • redmichelle67
    redmichelle67 Posts: 49 Member
    Gosh never just cryed but fell off a machine once and cryed ....So I thinking you cryed out of being happy ?
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